
Is anyone using the "TurboFire" dvd plan? I was thinking about doing the "Insanity" plan, but then I spotted the "TurboFire" one and thought that one might be better for me. I'm not sure - any advice would be great! Not sure if the "Insanity" plan may be a bit too much for me. It's a lot of money to pay if I find it too much.

All I use exercise wise at the moment is my treadmill 3 times a week and wii fit 4 times a week - I think I need something a bit more intense. I don't really need to lose too much more weight (around 7lbs ish), just need to tone up. Would love to have a gorgeous 6pack, but I don't think anything I do will get me that, but hey, a girl can dream can't she???!!!

Have a nice day x


  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I'm also interested in trying this! I am just debating on weather to spend the $$$.
  • sknevins
    sknevins Posts: 5
    I've tried both. Insanity is truly insane and an excellent extreme workout if you're in shape - something to take you to the next level. TurboFire has my favorite trainer and is also an extreme workout program but I think it's geared more to people who are in shape but not necessarily in awesome shape. I like TurboFire much better. The HIIT workouts are insane but I actually like them. There are a ton of different workouts in TurboFire including resistance training, abs, a yoga I actually like and a 40 minute stretch. All the DVDs are expensive but if you use them - it's way cheaper than going to a gym. My all time favorite program that I've been doing for a couple of year is ChaLean Extreme. This is more focused on strength training but has some good cardio and abs in it as well. TurboFire is more focused on aerobics - at least that's my opinion. I never made it past week one with insanity but I plan to some day.
  • lynnmarsh52
    lynnmarsh52 Posts: 116 Member
    Ooooh thanks sknevins! My worry about Insanity is the same as you - think I may not get past the first week!! I would like to give it a go, just to challenge myself, and I probably would if it wasn't so expensive, so I may give TurboFire a go, but then I don't want to end up giving up on that one after week 1!!!! Perhaps if I do spend alot of money it would force me into keeping it up. I tend to go in short bursts - one minute I've got loads of motivation and I exercise regularly like a maniac for a couple of weeks, then I end up feeling really 'lazy' and end up doing hardly anything for a few weeks. Sometimes I just can't get motivated! Perhaps I'll just toss a coin and see what happens!!!!

    Thanks again for the advice x
  • reba137
    reba137 Posts: 6
    I just bought TF two days ago (should be arriving within the next week or so). I'm excited to try it after reading all of the positve posts/threads on MFP about it!!
  • carriecolleen
    I am a huge TurboFire fan! i started with TurboJam and Chalean Extreme a couple of years ago and have been doing TF since March. I am in love with how the workouts make me feel, and change how my body looks. I honestly saw a difference in my first week.

    I also love how it's a no brainer and classes are all layed out for me every day, and every week. It is intense but super fun. At first I had to modify some of the workouts, but after a few weeks I'm rocking the whole thing!! And Chalene (the instructor) is my best friend! She is magical and kicks your butt into gear!!

    Definitely recommend this to anybody who wants a kick in the pants. This program is worth it's weight in gold to me <3
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    Both programs a great!!! Turbofire has someone showing you how to keep it down low and in Insanity if you just feel you can't keep up you take a break, Shaunt T is always telling you to rest!
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    I started TurboFire like 5 weeks ago and I absolutely love it. I've always been a gym and weight girl, never done any of the workout DVDS or anything like that, so my knowledge on the other DVD sets is limited. I'm not in bad shape but need to lose those few pounds and keep 'em off. TurboFire is whipping my buttocks in tip top shape and I am enjoying every moment of the journey because I'm seeing results and feeling way more energy and less bored than the usual treadmill/eliptical and things like that.
    I was a little wary of the price as well, but honestly, it's worth the money, especially if you use it consistently. It's the best $140 bucks I've spent in forever and I'm definitely a cheap-o. :-) A few other expenses unrelated to this DVD set, but to help you maximize the results (In my opinion): a Heart Rate Monitor if you don't already have one (can range from $20-150 bucks, depending on what you want... highly recommended) as well as more workout clothes (teehee!) :) You'll be sweating 6 days a week!
    I say go for it. You won't regret it. :)
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    :smile: Turbo Fire is a great workout! It was hard for me at first but after the first 2 weeks I got the hang of things! I am on my 2nd round and going on my 3rd week,I LOVE TURBO FIRE!!!! I was a Beachbody coach a few of months ago and bought the Complete system $200+ is what I paid and I got a discount.I will tell you that I am SOOOOO happy that I went ahead and spent the money.I am having a GREAT time.So much better than going to the gym!!! The calories that I burn are AMAZING!!!!! I feel like I really did a great workout after I get done,even the HIIT 15.So I guess I am trying to say Go ahead and get it you wont be sorry!!!:smile: