Time to lose the baby fat, any mamas out there who wish to join me?

TalaHasbini Posts: 3
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
My first baby just turned two. I feel mentally ready for a round two of kids, yet physically I still did not manage to lose the weight I had gained during my first pregnancy. Last week I got a gym membership & started a routine of four times a week. Today is day one of serious dieting & I just dowloaded the fitness pal app on my phone. It would be great to have a fitness pal buddy (or more) to motivate each other in the weight loss journey. Anyone mamas out there who wish to join me?



  • Princesspetal7
    Princesspetal7 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey. I'm Sarah. I have a 4 year girl and a 16 month old boy. I lost a stone and a half before I had my son using mfp. Like you I joined the gym a week ago and now I want to shed 1 stone. Need some motivation!! X
  • mummybananapants1
    Hi, i'm in the same boat! My youngest is now 13 months and i cant keep blaming 'having a baby' for the reason I've let myself go! need a serious kick up the butt and need to lose the excess weight!
    So far i have been doing MFP for a week and have lost 3lbs so am happy i am going in the right direction. I don't drive so find it difficult to get to a gym but am more of a DVD fitness/ exercise at home sort of person as i get embarrassed easily and lack confidence.

    Looking for friends for motivation!

  • TalaHasbini
    Hey Sarah & mummybananapants 1, m so happy to hear from u! How do u suggest we do this? Daily ? Or weekly?