back on the wagon

HI =]
I used to use MFP a few years ago, I did well... 244lbs to 204lbs.... onederland was so close I could practically touch it, I was happier and healthier. then I got cocky, I forgot that tracking and being accountable and healthy choices got me to that point, I got lazy, I started snacking on bad things, the drinking full fat soda again, then takeaways, before I knew it, I was back to square one, and with christmas coming up, I thought "who cares" so I ate and drank, but I wasn't merry, I was tired and moody and uncomfortable in my skin. So come January tenth I gathered my courage and faced of with the scales. 255lbs. I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up. so much work and time, for nothing, for less than nothing, to GAIN!?!?!?!
Never again.
Looking for an accountability buddy, people who can support me, who I can support and we can get out of this cycle together =]


  • Abbie_T
    Abbie_T Posts: 38
    Hey, I have a bad habit of losing weight and putting it all back on... It's horrible. I know how you feel but it's sooooo easily done - especially at Christmas time!!

    But yeah, I'm looking for more MFP friends too ^_^
  • Jelliebellie182
    we just gotta work our willpower muscles =]

    thanks for adding me =]

  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    I have a similar story. I stopped weighing myself when I started seeing 200 on the scale in college. I got super serious about losing weight and was able to get down to about 154. Then I met my boyfriend and he had terrible eating habits and it was easier to just go along with them instead of fighting it. Needless to say, I got up to about 200 again. WOMP. I am back on the wagon again and this time I'm taking him with me. Feel free to add me. :)
  • karleta
    karleta Posts: 8 Member
    I lost some weight nearly two yrs ago, and put it all on again, plus more. I have been tracking things on here, and found it helps! But it would be nice to have some buddies!
    I live in the UK and I need to loose around 5 stone ( 70lbs) .
  • emmaf1uk
    emmaf1uk Posts: 3 Member
    Hello :-) I'm Emma. I too joined a few years back and did really well. I started my diet again three weeks ago after I got weighed at the doctors and to my horror had put on all my weight that I'd lost...and more. Looking back through my log on MFP 18 months ago I weighed 56lb less than I did when they weighed me at the doctors! I've been back on the diet for 3 weeks (tomorrow) and I've lost 14lb - massive boost but I've got about 126lb more to lose but it was 140lb three weeks ago, so I'm moving in the right direction :-) This time I am more determined than ever. I will succeed! If I'm honest it depresses me being on a diet and that's what makes me cave after all my hard work. Eating food makes me happy and content. If I'm unhappy I want to eat, like a comfort thing I guess and to me there is no other 'pick-me-up' quite like food. I've got to get out of that cycle and habbit of turning to food and that's what I'm trying to do now. With the added health problems that being overweight brings I really need to do something before it's too late :-/ Good luck with your journey. xx
  • tmove2015
    tmove2015 Posts: 153 Member
    Yep, I know what you mean...started mfp last summer went from 204 to 185 then lost focus and got lazy during winter and I'm backup at 192. Gotta get back on the wagon for sure! We can do it! Add me!