over 59 women's club

Hi, my name is Karen and I am57 years old. My biggest challenge is my desk job that I have had since 1978. After work I enjoy (sometimes) Dvd's. sometimes ride my bike/go for walks weather permitting here in Wisconsin. I find the older I get, the more I wanna just sit and do nothing! I need help staying motivated. I eat pretty good but need to watch portion sizes and keep sweet tooth in check. Would love to be inspired by other women my age and hopefully inspire other women myself!


  • tipper65
    tipper65 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Karen ! I am in Wisco too and just turned 59. I feel the same for the first time I feel ok just sitting. I don't like to walk in the cold but do force myself to go but I have my treadmill right in my dinning room now . I am struggling started eat to live feel better but need activity. Seems every day I start over.