I Hate FAT Me

t44florida Posts: 6
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Like many others have written, I've been through this before. I was skinny as a kid and never had to worry about my weight. In May 2011, I had just turned 49 and I looked into the mirror and saw this old fat guy looking at me. Huh? Is that me? What happen? The scales said I weighed 250 lbs! Damn!
I went on a low carb diet and by May 2012 (1 year later) I was down to 167. Then I got sick! I was stricken by a bad case of vertigo that lasted for months. So I bailed on the diet. My weigh went up about 10 pounds and stabilized. The vertigo had passed but I still had residual effects. I was still not in the mood to return to dieting so I just lived life. Over the past two years I have gradually put on weight... a year in the 180's, a year in the 190's, and them BAM! 200 pounds at Christmas 2014.
I hate FAT me! It was time to diet again. I went back to a low carb diet on JAN 6th and have lost 10 pounds so far. I stumbled onto this site because I was looking to see the nutritional values of a Chic-Fil-A breakfast filet... you know, the small fried chicken breast... 140 cals and 6 carbs. I get interested in the site and decide to enter my data and see what how many calories I can eat. Tells me I can eat 1670 calories to lose 1 pound a week! What? 1670 calories/140 calories = 12 breastfast filets a day. HUH? That would be gorging compared to the diet I am use to! I can't bring myself to believe that simply counting calories is the answer to a happy diet plan.


  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome! You are right -- it's not only calories that get you to a healthy weight -- but what calories and macros in the right proportions -- Sounds like you are ready for a lasting change. Sending Friend request.
  • edwardbreeze429
    edwardbreeze429 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    If you ate 12 fillets you would still be hungry at the end of the day- the point of counting calories is that you are required to choose the right things to eat to fill up to that bar. The fact that you can take any fatty, unhleahty food and see it as "I can still have x of these per day" is the wrong way to look at it. sure, you could eat 12 of those in a day and say you're dieting, but you'll feel ill, you will be dehydrated because of the all the salt, you won't be getting any decent vitamins.

    Plus as fast food goes, 140 calories is pretty low for a single item. If you apply that to other fast food outlets like McDonalds, you could have 3 big macs to reach your calories and then you wouldn't be able to have anything else. Thats not a sustainable diet and trust me, if you actually apply yourself to carefully measuring all the food you eat, its not as easy to stay below 1500 as you would think- and I promise you that on your average day you are massively going over that calorie limit.

    Also, if you are talking about the Chick-fil-A breakfast Chicken Biscuit, its 440 calories, not 140. I can't find anything on the Chick-fil-A menu for 140 calories unless you are deconstructing the sandwiches and not eating the bread.

    You might be talking about the Chick-n-minis, but honestly 12 of those would not at all sustain you for a day and they come in 3s or 4s (280/370 calories), which is a reasonable breakfast calorie intake- but terrible nutrition.
  • edward... thanks for reply. Your are correct and that is my point of concern with just counting calories. i can't imagine that counting calories alone is a good diet plan.

    Further, when i enter my foods on this site's meals i get this big red warning: "Based on your total calories consumed today, you are likely not eating enough" as if calories should me my main concern.

    As to the chic-fil-a breakfast filet, the filet comes up under the sites foods:
    "Chick Fil-A - Breakfast Filet, 1 filet 140cals 7carbs 7fat 14protein 700sodium 1sugar"

    The filet does not come with a biscuit.