Trying to stop those bad habits!!

LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all I gave up work 3 years ago to raise my kids and have developed some really bad eatting habits in that time it was much easier to stick to the whole three meal a day when I had a job keeping me busy during the day and a family keeping me busy at night!!!
Don't get me wrong I am still very busy with my kids but definately have alot more coffee and biscuits with other mum's and the of course finishing alot of my kids food (hate to see food wasted!!)
As a result I have noticed that I have slowly put on well over a stone in the last 3 years I feel if I don't get a handle on things it will be a slippy slope. So thats my story and why I have joined fitness pal which I think is great so far. Any support would be great :smile:


  • lv2rungrl
    lv2rungrl Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome. Funny that you said that about cleaning your kiddos plate. I did that moments before I read your post. I guess I have some work in that area too. I agree that work helps reduce the eating in between meals as I find the weekends are the hardest for me. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    I had to re-teach myself that it is better to waste food than to waste myself. Many times I've tossed 3/4 of a cake or pie or whatever the wife had made. Many times I've eaten 1/3 of a restaurant meal and had the rest taken away, not brought home.

    I also had to learn and practice meal planning discipline. Until recently it was always a last minute thought, but now the whole thing is planned and prepared twice a week.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I could have written your post! I used to work Full time and then after having my now 1 yr old we decided it was best for me to stay home and raise the kids. They are 4, 2, and 1. I've been home just over a year with all of them. In March I decided it was time to lose the baby weight and find ME again!

    So far I've lost 33 pounds. I STOPED eating off the kids plates, STOPED picking through out the day. I STARTED logging everything I ate and started MAKING time to exercise. So far it has paid off. MFP has been a world of support and good friends!!!
  • I Hope The Best For Both Of Ya'll Im Currently A Mother Of Two, And In The Same Position But I Decided To Make The Change To Better Myself And My Marriage. My Size Is Not A Issue Yet, And My Marriage But Before I Let It Get Far I Decided To Control It Now While I Have The Time. My Youngest Is Only 7 Months So I Think This The Best Time To Start. . . What Type Of Exercise You Both Do?
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks guys for the support!! Bethdris I've boys like you 8 and 4 and the furry kids as well 2 of those hope we can support each other good luck.

    Would love to say I excersive but well I don't find it really hard. Used to be a keen horse-rider but that not an option a present. Will do the walking thing once in a while but I HATE it. Would love to swim but would only have the odd morning free and local pool has kids lessons every morning!!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck:smile:
  • You first being here is a great start!!

    I have only being doing this a month, so I am no expert!! My fitness pal is awesome and a great place start! Here are some tips that helped me:

    - break up your meals, have 4 or 5 small meals a day... or snack! so then you aren't as starving when it's time to eat and lose control
    - 100 calorie packs are awesome if you are on the go... if I know it's only 100 calories, I know how much I can eat... otherwise, I would probably be eating the entire bag!! (I love the yoguart dipped pretzels!)
    - the more you excercise, the more you can eat!
    - if you have a bad day, don't beat yourself up! it happens to all of us! Just log it in and start again the next meal or day!

    Best of luck!! You can do it!!
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