day 2

amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
Hello...i am new to ths site. I stumbled upon it while checking the calories in my new favorite soft drink....needless to say, i am going back to just plain ol tea :)
Anyhow, I really like this page but i need buddies on here to help motivate me. I am at my heaviest weight EVER & i HATE it!


  • GLJezebel
    GLJezebel Posts: 312 Member
    I will be your buddy if you like. I am on day 4 and I am also at my heaviest weight ever and I HATE it, too. My name is Diane, I'm in Texas.
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Diane, I sent you a friend request. :) Looking forward to support you in your goals and share tips and pointers!
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    Hi there! I need some buddies too. My name is Amanda. I am at my heaviest weight ever as well. Hopefully we can keep each other motivated.
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm new to and would love some help staying motivated!!
  • spoiltrotten1
    Hi my name is Jen... although I am not at my heaviest weight ever... I recently had major knee surgery and put on 18 lbs! Eek!! So instead of being 30 lbs from my goal weight I am not 48. I have been doing Myfitness pal for the past month and I love it!! It's great way to help you have a lifestyle change!!

    I am officially 41.4 lbs from my goal weight, but who's counting! I am trying to be as healthy as I can! My husband and I are going to try to start and have kids soon and with my knee I need to be as small as I can! The extra weight on my knee will be very difficult for me!

    So I am trying to lose as much weight as I can the healthy way! I've done all those fad diets... and I have gained the weight back every time! My fitnesspal is AWESOME!! I love it and I love the people on here!! Whenever I feel discouraged, someone is always there to lift up my spirit to keep going again!

    Best of luck in your diet journey! Feel free to add me so we can help motivate each other!!