Anyone else starting to feel this way?

I seem to be looking in the mirror nowadays and don't think yuck as much as i uses to! I know I will never be a supermodel but i no longer hate what i see! Ive still got a long way to go but what I've found has changed the most is not my weight but my confidence and how i see me!
It's such a strange feeling as i have always hated what i look like even as a child i couldn't bare to see pictures of myself i can't believe I've put one of me on here.

So has this happened to anyone else?


  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I wish!
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867

    well, i dont despise myself right now. i just loathe it all :)

    im teasing...actually this pic of me is one my daughter took this morning and i actually didnt cringe AND i put it up here for MFP friends to see so i must be headed in the right direction!!

    congrats to you!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Absolutely! I'm no supermodel either, and I still have 8-10 lbs plus some toning to go. But when I look in the mirror I LOVE what I see these days!
  • alyciaengel
    alyciaengel Posts: 24 Member
    Congrats! That's awesome. I definitely feel like I am in the wrong body, and it causes people to make judgments about me that aren't true. We just have to keep working :) and know that we are fantastic, regardless of the body we are temporarily wearing!
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Me! Even though I havent loost much, I am loving my new shape, and it is motivating me to keep going :smile:
  • debtfre12
    debtfre12 Posts: 203
    @ Bigmamma3---YOU ROCK GIRL!!!!! Go all the way ...... Yahooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Excellent post!
  • bigmamma3
    bigmamma3 Posts: 134

    well, i dont despise myself right now. i just loathe it all :)

    im teasing...actually this pic of me is one my daughter took this morning and i actually didnt cringe AND i put it up here for MFP friends to see so i must be headed in the right direction!!

    congrats to you!
    that's strange my son took my pic he's only 3 and its the first one I've ever seen that i didn't think yuck lol. i think it was just luck he got it as he usually gets pictures of my ear or leg lol.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Best post ever. :) And your picture is adorable! I think it's fitting that your child took a beautiful picture of you, because you know, kids are pretty honest. That's how your kids see you.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    My pic up now is one I took yesterday. I'm still struggling to recognize myself. You mean I have a shape other than round? Still got a ways to go, but I won't be dodging cameras nearly as often as I have been the last few years!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I didn't want to admit it but when I looked in the mirror at the end of last year, I was "scary-fat".

    I don't feel like I look anything close to scary-fat anymore. :)

    Still got a lot of work to do. 67 lbs. is a lot to overcome, regardless of the 33 I've already sayonara'd but yeah, I can see my figure again and am just now starting to recognize my tummy. HEY! I KNOW THAT TUMMY!

  • chollylops
    chollylops Posts: 149 Member
    Yep - I still have loads to go but I actually see myself in the mirror some days now and I dont recognise myself! This week so many people have commented on how I look and today even a cashier in my supermarket commented on how much I have lost and said I look so different - I guess I do! I am starting to see myself again after 10yrs of avoiding having y photo taken and really 'looking' in the mirror - very strange!
    I actually believe now I have done the most difficult bit and the rewards for that are just starting. It makes me determined to get where I want to be by Christmas!
    I seem to be looking in the mirror nowadays and don't think yuck as much as i uses to! I know I will never be a supermodel but i no longer hate what i see! Ive still got a long way to go but what I've found has changed the most is not my weight but my confidence and how i see me!
    It's such a strange feeling as i have always hated what i look like even as a child i couldn't bare to see pictures of myself i can't believe I've put one of me on here.

    So has this happened to anyone else?
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