Hello new to the group, want to lose 50lbs by June

Any good tips on exercise during the winter months. This is my trouble right now! Not getting enough exercise. Suggestions!


  • SJunczyk
    SJunczyk Posts: 430 Member
    Hi :) I'd like to lose a similar amount of weight - havent got a deadline except for the rest of my future :) exercise...hmmm well I guess you have to motivate yourself and say to yourself "I AM going to do it regardless!" It is hard to find that get up and go, but once you've found it you feel pretty amazing :)
    I've ordered myself a new workout dvd so I can exercise in the comforts of my own home :) (I may even try the Insanity workout...!)
  • kenestrick1
    kenestrick1 Posts: 15 Member
    I also have a june deadline I'm trying to make. making exercise something i don't dread is my problem. I'm also trying to cut out soda.
    I have the insanity program and i love it. Even if you only manage to do half of what they do you'll see results.
  • xxRazinaxx
    You can buy an aerobic stepper from Wal-Mart for $25. They usually come with a DVD.
  • momhealthac
    momhealthac Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for your suggestions, I will look into the insanity workout and the stepper!
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    just my two cents... i have insanity. i found it too much. that was after having done p90x for a few months! some people love it but it really is intense! would hate for u to spend all that money ( like i did) and not use it!
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    also dont set yourself up for dissapointment if you dont make 50lb in like 3 and half months! it really isnt a realistic goal. it took me a year to lose 50lb. its a journey. even if u lose half that you are doing awesome!
  • chralbert
    Hi! You WILL LOSE those 50! As soon as I find great tips for u I will send it to u