Whats for Breakfast??

lilmisslanna Posts: 104 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
Whats your favorite easy breakfast... I really have a hard time eating first thing in the morning.. it actually make me kind of naseaus... so im thinking if I had some yummy easy ideas.. I might try some...

RIght now all I do is 2 whole wheat pieces of toast with some sunflower seed butter.. and a banana... BORING... lol


  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I haven't been eating breakfast lately because I just haven't had the time. But my favorite healthy easy breakfast is oatmeal and fruit!
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    my favorite scrambled egg, one slice of seeded bread and a sliced tomato. only takes a few minutes to do, so i have it weekdays when i'm rushing on a morning.
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    i always either eat oatmeal or toast with peanut butter
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    It's my cheat day.. I had some Krispy Kreme.. omg they are sooo good.. haven't had them in months.... I miss you donuts!!!

    I usually just have oatmeal, cereal, fruit and toast or something quick like that.. mostly cereal though.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    theres lots of amazing smoothie recipes out there :) Try some greek yogurt with fruit and granola
  • miclavd
    miclavd Posts: 15
    I usually have some sort of flavored yogurt from Target, fruit, and sometimes a granola bar.
  • lersie
    lersie Posts: 46 Member
    I stopped eating fruit for breakfast and eating things like oatmeal with low or no sugar, scrambled eggs or ground turkey patties. I noticed I was feeling sick whenever I eat anything with sugar (natural or otherwise) so I experimented and now I can eat foods that have lots of protein in the morning and feel much better.
  • alyciaengel
    alyciaengel Posts: 24 Member
    Mine's boring too...

    Cheerio's & soymilk with a banana or other fruit. It's easy & fast, and I have a lot to do today.

    I plan on making gingerbread muffins later today, so tomorrow may be a muffin & a fruit and yogurt parfait...that sounds good.

    If you eat eggs, a veggie frittata is pretty quick & easy to prepare. I'm going vegan, so that won't be on my menu anymore, but it is tasty.
  • alyciaengel
    alyciaengel Posts: 24 Member
    theres lots of amazing smoothie recipes out there :) Try some greek yogurt with fruit and granola

    I agree with this... smoothies are EXELLENT! You can make so many flavors. I keep plenty of bananas on hand, and a freezer full of frozen fruit . Add soymilk & ice and blend! Peanut butter + cocoa smoothies are great as well!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    yogurt and mix in dry cereal or frozen premade breakfast sandwich- I like to make my own but I don't always have time: english muffin, egg, cheese, and ham/sausage/turkey
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Natural Fat Free Yogurt with Granola (and sometimes with berries if I have them!) and a Green Tea
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Breakfast is sometimes my biggest and favorite meal of the day. I like to start the day on a full tank.

    Today I had 2 cups of coffee, pineapple, strawberries, oatmeal with raisins, and an omlette of 1 whole egg + 2 whites with spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and a little cheddar. Yum!
  • girlw00nder
    girlw00nder Posts: 15
    I love low fat yogurt with a tsp of honey and granola or original Alpen. Oh and of course a lovely cup of tea! It's delicious.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    oatmeal with PB and greek yogurt with fresh raspberries!

    I have the greek yogurt with raspberries everyday, or i do blanched almonds and agave nectar.
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    I have a slice of pumperknickel bread and a Dannon Light and Fit yogurt. I eat them both in my car on the way to work with my morning coffee.
  • jansus
    jansus Posts: 58 Member
    weetabix /skimmed milk and banana warmed in the microwave- sprinkle with cinamon and a teaspoon of honey
  • lindsay6694
    lindsay6694 Posts: 182
    i usually eat quaker lower sugar maple and brown sugar oatmeal with a little milk in it after its cooked. then a handfull of walnuts and some berries. i loveeeeeeee oatmeal. i always look forward to it every morning.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    theres lots of amazing smoothie recipes out there :) Try some greek yogurt with fruit and granola

    I agree with this... smoothies are EXELLENT! You can make so many flavors. I keep plenty of bananas on hand, and a freezer full of frozen fruit . Add soymilk & ice and blend! Peanut butter + cocoa smoothies are great as well!

    mmmm yummy lol now I want to try a PB and cocoa one!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    When I want an easy, quick breakfast I often have 'bits' of breakfast e.g. pot of natural yoghurt, microwaveable baked beans and a piece of fruit or I boil eggs at the start of the week, put them in the fridge and peel one each day. Someone on tv said the other day that they have crumpets with nutella which sounds like a great fix for any chocolate fiends out there!
  • Carek99
    Carek99 Posts: 25 Member
    My wife makes something for my son that I had to try this morning.

    One waffle cut in half, a tablespoon of peaut butter spread evenly and some raisins. This has actually kept me from being hungry for hours and with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on mine, it was 319 calories.

    We used a frozen waffle and a toaster. I'm wondering how it would be with whole grain waffles.
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