33 lbs lost and I feel the same

TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I wish I could say I felt a lot healthier, but I don't. I went from 300 to 267 and I feel the same. Not a bit healthier. I don't know if it's all mental or if it's just because it took over a year to lose that much.

Wondering when I'm going to start feeling the difference.


  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    stop beating yourself up and look at the positives...FIND THEM even if you have to dig....

    that's a tremendous amount of weight. you can't give up so you might as well go forward.

    of course i KNOW that's easier said than done but since i am better at giving advice then taking my own ill try for you :)
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    It will come in time. I hope. I still have the same issues. I look in the mirror and only see what's wrong with my body. I have lost my weight over 2 yrs time and I think I look the same. Logically I can see I wear a much smaller size, but I explain it away somehow. But it will come. ((HUGS))
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I know that feeling. Do you have pictures you can compare? I think it's a mental thing. I can see the difference in my pictures, at the same time I still feel FAT! You're doing GREAT, keep it up!! Kudos to you for taking the initiative to get healthy. Try not to be so hard on yourself, easier said than done, I know!
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I started at 315 lbs. I didn't really start to feel different until I was at about 250 or so. Keep up! You will feel great after a few more pounds.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I am also at the -33 lb. mark at the moment. 235 to 202. Weighing in in a day or two, hoping for ONEderland.

    Considering I've lost a full THIRD of my goal, I thought I'd feel like a million bucks right about now. Buuuuut, I feel like, maybe, a thousand bucks. Which is still great! But it's far from that million. ;)

    I just wanted to pop in and say that -33 is amazing! You have done incredible work and I'm really proud of you. From one -33er to another, congratulations! It may not feel like much now but you're 33 lbs. closer to that next 20 or next 40 and you are really going to start seeing and feeling such a difference then. I am at the very TIP of feeling a little something. My tummy is tightening and my skin isn't stretched to full-capacity. Having to re-cinch my belt by punching brand new holes in it (for the SECOND time now) and FINALLY looking at having to buy some new, smaller pants! Woohoo!

    So, you know what? Don't be so hard on yourself. -33 is amazing and pretty soon that will be a -50 and we'll see you on the success stories forum looking all hot, showing off your brand new bod. Great work, handsome! :flowerforyou:
  • jagianotti
    jagianotti Posts: 18
    That is a HUGE accomplishment. Remember the slower you take it off, the slower it comes back on! You have to almost reset the way you think...you are so much healthier than you were 30 lbs ago!
  • adristory
    adristory Posts: 42 Member
    The mind is powerful! It does take time to "catch up" to how you see yourself after some weight loss. I once lost 60 lbs...had finally started seeing the difference much later than when those around me started noticing. Unfortunately, as I started feeling suave, I started to loose control of myself again and it took my mind equally as long to realize I no longer looked good!

    Also remember that for us starting on the higher end of the scale, it ca take longer to show. Having lost it slowly is actually a good thing in the long run as you have had more time to have hour body adjust to lifestyle changes you have created.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Well done !!!!!!!!! You've made a big difference to your health already, seems you just have to work on your self esteem along side it.

    I've lost 32 lbs and I can't see the difference but I have taken photos every month for my blog and it's encouraging it really is.


    Don't lose faith, it IS making a difference.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    I have lost almost 40 pounds this year. I still feel the same some days. Other days I feel and look great. I think that is it all in our heads. I use to weigh 355 a few years ago and now I am 281. That is a total of 74 pounds lost over the past several years and like I said 38 of that has been since Jan 2011...give it some time to get use to the idea of you losing that weight. It will eventually catch up with you that you are getting healthier and looking better.
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    Hey you have lost 33 lbs thats awesome in it self.. you dont realize how hard it is to lose weight just keep on doing what your doing and before you know it you will start to feel different.. I bet you feel lighter now and don't really know it.. I started at 225 and i'm 195 trust me you will feel a difference!!!!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Yeah, that's tough when the feelings don't line up with your accomplishments. I think you're doing great, and of course I'm insanely jealous.

    I'm looking forward to 20 pounds lost. Then the next goal is 40 pounds, and then 60... until people finally confuse me with Jack LaLanne.

    It could happen.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    You have made a great start. Keep it up and Yes search for whatever it takes to feel the change...I've only lost 13 pounds and I do feel a difference. I found a pair of jeans I had put away a few years ago...they fit..and they are not to tight. Look for the positives..they are there.!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Sorry to hear that, Gob. I'm just wondering if it's because of the types of foods that you eat. It's important we eat really good, high energy foods and add in some things to support the brain and energy in general like Potassium and Omega-3s. And drink the full 8 glasses of water a day. I've lost 26 and feel very different, lighter, brighter, cheerier. Our attitudes are greatly affected by our food. Processed stuff and fast foods rob us of energy. Not sure what you eat but you might give this info some consideration. Congrats on your 33, that's no small number. And congrats on your book.
  • daffysbird
    daffysbird Posts: 42
    I totally support what you are saying - I had a starting weight of 315.7lbs and I now weigh 287lbs and I can not notice the change or feel the change healthwise. Everything is still causing me pain and nothing seems to be fitting better or getting easier. I really can't wait for the results start to show to me. I know it is easier said that done but we must remember that what we have lost is amazing and where we want to be will be even better feeling!
  • abbysmommy7
    abbysmommy7 Posts: 211 Member
    I feel that way too sometimes. Im still wearing the same clothes I was 23lbs ago. All I can think is "how crammed into these clothes was I?" but we know we are doing the right thing. Making a healthier life change. I have to keep telling myself that calorie counting and workouts that I dont want to do are all going to be worth it in time! Hang in there! Im rooting for you/us!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Thanks guys. I am happy for the progress, just want to feel that difference. I won't give up.

    As for the food, some days it's healthy, some days its full of junk. I usually feel better when it's healthy but not in the way I'm looking for. Perhaps "cleaner" is a better word for how it is on days with healthy food. But what I'm wanting is:

    -increased energy
    -increased ability (able to do more, etc)
    -general feeling of weight loss.

    I'll just hang in there.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Hi! I went from 313 to 183 and I genuinely didn't feel the difference till about 250 downwards. It just takes some time but you will start to see the difference I promise! It's just a mentality as well- when you've been big you still feel big for a long time.

    Keep up the fab work, you're doing so great xxx
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I also started at 315lbs and it didn't really start showing or making a huge dent until about 250 just like most of the others on here! Unforunately, the heavier you are to start the more its going to take to lose to make a difference.
    Hang in there because once you do start getting in the 60's and 70 lbs lost, it feels amazing, I can't even describe how great it feels, I may have a long ways to go yet but I'm feeling skinny even now! 33lbs is awesome, be pround and keep it up, you can do it!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Getting under 250 would be nice. That's a benchmark I'm looking forward to. :)
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    I wish I could say I felt a lot healthier, but I don't. I went from 300 to 267 and I feel the same. Not a bit healthier. I don't know if it's all mental or if it's just because it took over a year to lose that much.

    Wondering when I'm going to start feeling the difference.

    Why not put it into perspective for yourself. Go to the grocery store stack up 33 blocks of butter in a basket then have a look at it, pick it up. Be proud of what you have lost and know that your body and you are better for it.

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