Anxiety over results

Hey there,
Not sure what I'm looking for by posting this, but I guess I need some support right now. I started a little over 3 weeks ago and am down almost 10lbs. For some reason its giving me more anxiety than it is helping me stay motivated. Its almost like I'm scared to keep going. My stomach is in a knot and there is a tight feeling in my chest. I want to be happy about this but really I just feel like crying, throwing up or just curling up in a dark place and hiding. As sad as it may sound I've never really stuck with anything this safe and realistic for so long. I hate to think it but its like I'm scared of succeeding. I'm scared of where this healthier path is taking me. I want more than anything to loose weight and feel good so why is there so much emotional pain that is coming along with it?


  • Hello don't be anxious! I once weighted 9st which was great for me as I'm 5ft. I found the world to be, well the same, I did get more interest from men for a little while and people were always complimenting me and encouraging me which was sometimes a little overwhelming but I had lost stone 3st. After a few weeks it was forgotten about. There's only small difference in daily life like buying clothes and knowing I'd look as nice as the model, my skin had cleared and wasn't getting spots as much and I felt healthy and could walk further. Since then I have put weigh back on which is why I'm a member working towards loosing the weight again. I hope this helps
  • mcissell44
    mcissell44 Posts: 1 Member

    Hang in there!!! I was the same way and still kinda am. I need to lose about 140lbs and have lost 91lbs and go through a similar thing. I was told growing up that I was not good enough and that I could never do anything good. I believed that lie my whole life and turned to food for comfort. As a result I was 317lbs. I would try and lose the weight but gain it all back. This time I am doing it the healthy way and have a huge support system but still have the fear that it is all going to come back. I chip away at the fear each and every meal and workout. I have a trainer who works with me and pushes me through the fear. He also helps when the panic attacks come and I go into my melt down phase. I have motivational pictures all over my condo reminding me of who I really am. And that I am good enough and that I can do this. And so can you!! Yeah its scary but you need to figure out where the anxiety and fear is coming from. You deserve to have a healthy body and how you look is just a perk. And the number on the scale? It is just that a in no way defines who you are as a person.

    I really hope this helps!!!

    God bless,

  • ladygi19
    ladygi19 Posts: 36 Member
    My honest opinion is first you should get your vitamin (D, B) checked... I'm not expert but when I found out my levels were low and got it straightend out I felt world's better. Other blood work would not hurt either. This sounds a bit like depression to me and ruling out medical causes, or possibly nutritional maybe you should consider seeing therapist if the anxiety does not subside after awhile. Happiness and personal emotional health are necessary for physical health. In my layman's opinion anyway :) hope you feel better soon!
  • ladygi19
    ladygi19 Posts: 36 Member
    That should say vitamin B & D but my B with a ) went all emote on me lol
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Heya. It sounds from your profile like you've had a rough year. Congrats on making it through and then sticking with an exciting/scary change for 3 weeks!

    I don't know and you didn't say, but, is it possible you were using food to blunt bad feelings or self-medicate during your recent dark places? I could totally see anxiety suddenly ramping up--over anything and everything--when all of a sudden you take away eating a lot as a coping mechanism. Do you have any regular activities you do to relieve stress that aren't related to weight/weight loss (food and exercise)? Volunteer at a dog shelter, some kind of crafty thing with your hands, karaoke night?

    You are awesome for making it this far. You deserve it. You deserve to be happy. :)