
OOOOKKKAAAYYYYY.... I think its time to buy a new scale... I weighed myself about 3 days ago and I had lost 1.5lbs, down to 169. I get on this morning, it said 171.5!!!! WHAT??? and here is the killer, I went back about 2 hours later, while I was changing, got on there without clothes on, and it went back down to 170... :noway: WHAT???? My clothes weigh 1.5 lbs? Something is not right with this scale... Anyone know of a good scale? I thought this was a good one, I paid $40 for it. Its a THINNER scale. :grumble:


  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I use a digital Weight watchers scale from walmart or target was about 40 bucks had it 3yrs now
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Changed the batteries on my WW scale, and its working, really strange thing, I got on it, and it said I, then about 20 minutes later, got on it, and it said I weighed a POUND less... so, who do you believe?
    I guess once I get on the scale that is what it is until the next go round.. can't stay off that darn thing, but whatever it says, I am sticking with the diet, and now will go forward.
    Scales are funny, I don't know when to believe them and when not to..
  • sellymack
    sellymack Posts: 3
    I have the same problem; it just depends on so many things that I only weigh myself ONCE a week at the same time of day and always as soon as I get up, after using the bathroom(!) and before I have a drink... and always in the nude. I find this is the only way to get coherent results.
    Good luck! xx
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    If I were you, I wouldn't go spending more money on another scale. Most people's weights fluctuate up to several (like 3-5) pounds throughout the course of a day. Depends on clothes, whether you have food in your system, water retention... all kinds of minuscule factors that aren't worth stressing over. Just weigh once a day or once a week, same time, same clothes (or none), and worry more about diet, exercise, and inches.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Youre clothes absolutly can weigh 1.5 lbs. My fav Yoga pants, tank top & sports bra weigh 1.2 (Im fabric picky I need to get some lighter weight ones since moving to Arizona though! I was in Colorado before) If youve drank water, need to have a BM, ate breakfast, ect ALL effect what the scale says.
  • bike4now
    bike4now Posts: 52
    I just bought this one. It had the highest reviews and I am very happy with it.