Need friends to keep me on track!



  • kellinna
    kellinna Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me, you and anyone else. I need all the accountability I can get. I'm almost 33 married mother of 3 boys. My youngest is almost 6 months. I'm 180lbs, but I have a small frame and carry my weight mostly in my stomach. It's awful! I also hate seeing pictures of myself, I need new clothes but I refuse to buy these large sizes. Something has to give. I am also an emotional eater and have dealt with a lot of stress in the past year which has not helped. I really need to do this, I can't go on the rest my life being over weight and unhappy.
  • Thanks everyone! Sending out friends requests :)
  • eskimocandy
    eskimocandy Posts: 5 Member
    Also a 33 yo mother of two. Emotional eater/all around overeater and looking to lose 75 lbs! Will add some of you :)
  • I need more motivation and friends that are going through the same thing as I am- being needing to lose weight. I have 80 lbs to lose, but I'm not in a relationship, and I don't have any kids, so it is hard to find people to relate to. Anyone is welcome.e to add me:)
  • meandthewho
    meandthewho Posts: 5 Member
    Would love to be your friend ! I need a buddy to help keep me motivated .
  • ut04827
    ut04827 Posts: 103
    Count me in. I'll help out:)
  • Hi everyone I'm so glad I found this thread! Been on MFP for a while but it's not so fun without friends! Please anyone feel free to add me! I'm 31 and have a 3month old. I used to be really fit but now have 40pounds to lose! I'm hoping to do this by the end of the year. Let's motivate eachother!
  • I would love some mfp friends! Finding it hard to loose the weight!!!!
  • vv393
    vv393 Posts: 5
    Yes I'm in the same boat! Would love to find people to help hold me accountable
  • Thanks guys! Added all of you :)))