Looking for ladies to start P90X with me!!!

KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
edited January 2015 in Fitness and Exercise

I'm looking for someone to do p90x with me for the entire 12 weeks and stay committed with me and hold me accountable!!! I've completed p90x about 1 1/2 -2 years ago and lost 25 pounds! But I had someone do it with me! Need a partner again for motivation!!! Just had a baby 5 months ago and need to lose it all over again! So who's with me??? I can even start a group for us to all post in and talk about it thoughout the 90 days! Let me know if you're interested!

By the way...START DATE IS January 28! Ending April 27!! Right before summer!!!


  • I up for it. My husband and I just started today.
  • I'm up to it !!!
  • I'm up for it!
  • 1012Anna
    1012Anna Posts: 10 Member
    I'm up for it! We started three weeks ago and are doing the first recovery week now!
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    Awesome yall!!!! We can post weekly or monthly pics?!?!
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    Alright, well...I'm taking my measurements tomorrow and pics and weight. I Am going to try to stick to a high protein and fat with low carb diet the first 30 days and 100 oz water per day. Wish me luck!!!!!
  • eribaby24
    eribaby24 Posts: 3 Member
    did you buy the p90x or is this all online?
  • emilymcd595
    emilymcd595 Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    I just completed day 30 with the fitness test, measurements, and weigh in! I'm 5 pounds and 4 inches less than a month ago. I'd love to join in this group to help us all stay motivated! Tony can be my best friend or enemy depending on the day. ;) Looking forward to the support through this!
  • fancyroberts
    fancyroberts Posts: 75 Member
    Ok I am in...I have had the cds for 3 years now...and never did the whole program...so I may have lots of questions...we are starting today right?? I have lost 20 lbs and have another 10 - 15 to lose....this should do it!! I need a motivational group. :)
  • fancyroberts
    fancyroberts Posts: 75 Member
    um...do I just start with the 1st cd? lol! Oh man.... :\
  • fallenangelank
    fallenangelank Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to join. My brother lost 40 pounds doing p90x and I could use a boost in my weight loss. Currently I'm focusing on diet and running, and could use the toning.
  • Negriita2010
    Negriita2010 Posts: 45 Member
    would love to join but i still havent bought it maybe in 2weeks hubby buys it
  • jordan1221
    jordan1221 Posts: 58 Member
    I'll join! I too completed it once before (in Fall 2013) but then I got pregnant and had baby #2 in June 2014. I'm right there with ya' KristinArredondo!

    By the way, I am doing the Classic version. Come get some. :p
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    Awesome everyone!!! Be sure to send me a friend request too for extra motivation!! Yes, started today! I bought the CDs, it's not online. Google search "P90X schedule" to get the appropriate daily workouts to follow and then...PRESS PLAY! EVERYDAY! I too am doing the Classic version! I am also drinking the recommended Shakeology. I've had a 25 pound success without using Shakeology, so no big deal if you don't have it. Looking forward to seeing my results this time with it!! Let's do this.
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    How's everyone doing so far?! I'll be real honest...I've done just day 1 chest and back and skipped yesterday and today. My 5 moNth old baby went to doc and has an ear infection BAD. No sleep for either of us in the last 48 hours. But will be back on top of it tomorrow!
  • kimhere
    kimhere Posts: 35 Member
    I have it here and would love to start it. I have owned it for years and have never put a disc in. Did you start a group? I will add you as a friend :)
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    Ready to hit it hard in the morning and rest of the week!!!! Let's go ladies!!!!!
  • natashalynnx
    natashalynnx Posts: 34 Member

    I'm looking for someone to do p90x with me for the entire 12 weeks and stay committed with me and hold me accountable!!! I've completed p90x about 1 1/2 -2 years ago and lost 25 pounds! But I had someone do it with me! Need a partner again for motivation!!! Just had a baby 5 months ago and need to lose it all over again! So who's with me??? I can even start a group for us to all post in and talk about it thoughout the 90 days! Let me know if you're interested!

    By the way...START DATE IS January 28! Ending April 27!! Right before summer!!!

    Where do you find the workouts at? Sorry I'm new to this :/
  • My husband and I (ages 27 & 28) are doing the "lean" workout and found all the schedules and fitness tests online for free! We also use the online p90x calories calculator to figure out the calorie totals for each workout. I have to admit that it took a solid 2 weeks of working out daily and counting calories with this app before I felt or saw many results. Now we're on our 36th day and we've both lost weight, inches, and have much lower resting heart rates. So keep up the hard work if you're just getting started. It will pay off soon!
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    So for my first week...ehhh I could have done much better..only completed 3/6 workouts! But it's a new week and I'm striving to complete all 6!