Determined Mom

Hi, my name is Candace and i am the mother of a very active and happy 3 year old and i want to change my life around for him and myself. i have always been big and no matter what i do in my life losing weight has been my biggest and hardest challenge and one i cant seem to get a grip on. I'm 373 lbs i don't like going out in public its hard to do allot of things and enjoy life to the fullest in my conditions and i plan on living a very long time but i cant do that if i do not change now i'm pretty active I'm not lazy at all i exercise every night and stay busy all day and i feel like nothing i do is ever helping i am scared that it will never get better and i am all my son has so all i can do is keep trying and trying and trying . so that's me and this is why I 'm here, Thanks o:) i need a miraclecrhb7bjtp15d.jpg


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member

    Look at the succcess pages an you will see several people who have lost as much as you want to lose, so it is possible.

    Its not a miracle, but a lot of hard work and consistent dedication to eating less and moving more. If you want to lose the weight, then please be smart about it.

    Just some tips.

    1. People ask for motivation, you have your son which should be a powerful driver as well as health and well being. Keep ot in mind why you will be losing weight, it can be a powerful ool to keep you on track.
    2. Understand what it is you are trying to do. As a rule of thumb, think of losing 1lb a week, so losing 233 is going to be a long journey that could be taking you 3-4 years as a very rough rule of thumb. Be comfortable with that, but then break it down into smaller plans that are easier to deal with. 10lbs, 1 month, 20lbs etc are far easier chunks of time and targets for you to aim for and avoid getting overwhelemed. Keeping perspective helps you remain focused.
    3. Learn how weight loss works, knowledge is power, so learn how other people lose weight and how the basic mechanics of diet exercise, nutrition and calorie counting works. Keep it simple you just need a sensible calorie deficit. Not too severe. This will help making sure your efforts are effective and stop you going down dead ends. Plan for what you need to do.
    4. Work out what went wrong in previous times so you can avoid going down dead ends and repeating past diet mistakes.
    5. Buy a food scale so you get used to weighing your food and logging it accurately on MFP. The most common reasons for people not losing is they get the basics wrong and so eat more than they think and burn less.
    6. Logging your food helps you understand what you are eating. You can see where all the calories are and you can then start thinking abut lean protein, fruit and veg plus complex carbs. You need a balanced diet that works for you and is sustainable. Keep it sensible dont restrict or deny too much and use moderation in many cases, so allow yourself things like chcolate or pizza, but if you do work it into the calorie target and just moderate amounts. Dont demonise food.
    7. Dont be afraid of exercise. In a typical person it might be 80% diet, but exercise is a powerful partner in losing weight over time. Everyone starts somewhere, so start with easier things like walking or swimming until you can manage more later. 5 mins to 10 mins etc, just keep pushing yourself a bit more each week.
    8. Believe in yourself that as long as you follow the simple guidelines of consistent deficits then you will lose weight. Keep the targets small and achievable, then be consistent. You can then build up momentum.
    9. If you falter then keep logging in and just take more good decisions than bad. You only quot when you stop logging.
    10. Be your own best friend, never beat up on yourself especially if you cnat manage things, just keep doing the right things as many times as you can, then you will make progress. You cna use MFP to get advice and friends to stop you getting isolated.

    Its a big challenge to lose so much weight, but its possible if you commit. Best wishes.
  • pinkshoelaces
    pinkshoelaces Posts: 111 Member
    To be fair, exercise won't help you much until you get the eating part down. Most of your weight loss will occur from cutting your calorie intake down. Exercise, of course, is important, but if you're still eating more than you're burning off, you'll continue to gain weight.

    So I'd suggest right now you really focus on your diet, since you've already incorporated exercise into your life. Buy a digital food scale (one that weighs in grams) and weigh everything you eat so you can accurately log how many calories you are eating. You don't need to go on a 1,200 calorie crash diet to lose weight. At your current size you could eat 2,000 a day and still lose.

    Don't do anything drastic or unsustainable. Take everything in stride and most importantly have patience, this will take a lot of time. Best of luck to you!