Dieting & Managing T1 Diabetes

Whenever I am on a weight loss plan, I struggle with maintaining safe blood glucose levels. MyFitnessPal has allocated 1,200 calories/day for me. With the low-carb diet and the addition of exercise, I find my BG is dropping a lot more. While I am fortunate enough to have a CGM to warn me of the lows, I get so frustrated when I have to drink a glass of orange juice and, in doing so, sacrificing 120 calories! Juice works the best for me because because it's fastest and by the time I get the alarm, my sugar is plummeting and the situation is urgent.

Are there any other T1 diabetics out there with similar issues? What do you do to save the calories and maintain your BG levels? Should I carb load before I exercise? After? Are there "slow burning" carbs I should try?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • astanini
    Have you tried lowering your insulin intake? I am also diabetic, I had that problem when I started dieting.
  • Ahollis1072
    I often suspend my insulin pump while exercising. Or set a temporary basal rate. Type 1 diabetic as well. I gained 40 pounds after I received my insulin pump over 10 years ago.
  • adempster69
    adempster69 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! The last two times I've worked out, I've had a piece of fruit before I workout and then suspended my basal until I was done. So far, so good!