Insanity begins here!

After trying a couple of times, i hzve decided to throw myself into yhe Insanity workout programme. Has anyone tried/completed or currently doing it. Does anyone have it sitting on a shelf and fancy a motivation buddy? Will post results as i go. Wish me luck!


  • jtweezy04
    jtweezy04 Posts: 1 Member
    I tried it once a couple years ago. I only completed the first month, but the results were already fantastic! In keeping with my healthy living goal this year I'm starting Insanity again on Monday (1/26). The first week is all mental because you're going to be in a lot of pain, especially if you're not already an active person. But if you can make it through the second week you can really make it through anything. I love that it works every part of your body and still builds your cardio. Shaun-T is hilarious and a great motivator. A great strength point is also seeing those in the video doing the workout, people who are obviously fit, athletic people, struggling with the workout. It's like you're all in it together. Highly recommend it anyone. Good luck to you! I'll try and share my progress as well.
  • Wibbly1966
    Wibbly1966 Posts: 4 Member
    I dabble in and out of Insanity, trouble I had was working it in to my day. I did do it for 2 weeks and really noticed a different in inches but not pounds. As I run, and go to the gym in my lunch time at work, I use it as a back up if I cannot do either. It is a great work out, so good luck to you both.
  • Silverlaced14
    Silverlaced14 Posts: 41 Member
    I definitely saw results! I am doing 21 day fix now and am also happy with my results! Go Girl!
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    Im currently doing Insanity, and today is the start of week 4!! I absolutely love it!! I am petrified of starting month 2 as I have heard its WAY harder, but who cares... it makes me sweat like no other workout, and I feel brilliant after im done!! Have lost only about 1lb so far, but when I did my fittest, my results had improved by around 30% and thats just after 2 weeks! Im happy for more insanity buddies! Just drop me a friends request :)
  • Abbie_T
    Abbie_T Posts: 38
    Insanity is great, but before you start be sure you can commit!

    I started it, did month 1 and saw great results, then I started working full time nursing shifts unpaid for uni (unsociable hours) and I just couldn't commit finding time between that, paid work and family to fit insanity in.

    It's a shame but I know I'll come back to it.
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 239 Member
    Loving Insanity. I Just started week 3, go for it! Just commit the time each day and do it
  • marykate290491
    marykate290491 Posts: 25 Member
    How long is each one?
  • MsBecca22
    MsBecca22 Posts: 44 Member
    I did insanity about a 1.5 ago. It was amazing!! I'm now starting it again after having my baby. I'm so excited!
  • Wibbly1966
    Wibbly1966 Posts: 4 Member
    It varies marykate from about 40 mins to 1hr, there is a 16 min ab work out, which is supposed to be stuck on the end of another work, but if you are in a rush its a good one to do on its own.
  • MaryM444
    Good luck! :)
  • daniellemoffatt2011
    Today is Week2Day4 for me :smiley: