
Hi all,

I frequently exercise but this is the first time I've monitored what I eat and my first time counting the calories! I'm going to Malta at the start of April so my aim is to get beach body ready. That is my motivation. But my ultimate aim to is to look and feel healthy. I'm looking to connect with others with similar ambitions, and any tips you can share I.e. Recommended foods and exercise routines etc, is valued


  • FrancisCV7
    FrancisCV7 Posts: 123 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello, Elosie!

    That's awesome that you already have the exercise portion down, and it's a better time than ever to start eating healthier. I like that you acknowledge,
    But my ultimate aim to is to look and feel healthy.
    because there is this notion that the only point of getting in shape is about looking skinny-WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY NONSENSE. Getting in shape should be about being healthier, and increasing your body's functionality. Getting a "beach body" is just an added bonus!

  • stevenedgar24
    stevenedgar24 Posts: 10 Member
    Im training for my fight at the end of march and losing the weight aswel what do you want to know?
  • eloisecromwell276
    Thanks for the encouragement Francis!! That's right, being healthy is the only sustainable way to getting fit and looking good. I'm not on here to starve myself to get skinny at all! On the contrary. My plan is to use this app for added motivation to meet my goal. I will be giving regular updates on my profile.

    Steven - just any tips you have concerning food and strength. What exercises would you most recommend to build up core strength? Also (and this is a generic question to any body else reading) what sorts of food would you recommend eating when your out and about? It's so hard to eat healthy when your on the move. I'm mostly eating from Wasabi (rice and chicken) but that takes up a large amount of my daily calorie allowance. I'm active so I can burn the calories, but on the days I'm not @ the gym it would be good to get recipes, diet tips, etc.

    Thanks x
  • Mikeyloye
    Mikeyloye Posts: 43 Member
    1 tip
    If you have no choice but to to McDonald's they do have grilled chicken salad. Skip the sause they provide and that gives you a good protien and veg mix.

    Tip 2.
    Sugar is good to try and rid yourself of it provides zero nutritional value, but sweetners are not natural and I have been more hungry on those. I read some where your brain wants the sugar still and makes you feel hungry.
  • eloisecromwell276
    Good points! By sugar you are referring to artificial sugars that are contained in Certain foods? I've been snaking on fruit a lot for natural, sweaty goodness.
  • eloisecromwell276
    By the way see my responses above @francisvalera @stevenedgar24‌ @discoboy1983‌
  • WabaSanchez
    Hello everyone. I have an amateur question. How can I increase my carb intake without going overboard on sugar? According to my meal planning for the day, I would still have to eat 30 more grams of carbs, but already surpassed my sugar limit by 28, Im confused on what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • eloisecromwell276
    That sounds like a general question that you'd benefit from making a public post on one of the forums. Start your in thread to get the best advice @WabaSanchez‌ is be interested In hearing about the feedback you receive. Keep me posted :)
  • Mikeyloye
    Mikeyloye Posts: 43 Member
    @WabaSanchez‌ try brown rice, brown pasta wholemeal breads and sweet potato.

    Naturally low in sugar and easier for you to digest.

    Also known as "clean carbs" if you wanted to google it
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Eat well, create a food deficit with foods you can see yourself eating long term, exercise and you'll see results.