Need weight loss buddies. 75 lbs to go!

I have used MFP but never tried to connect with others for motivation. So let's lose weight together and root eachother on!(:


  • I have 30lbs to loose, lets get it moving:)
  • mizzbombshell
    mizzbombshell Posts: 9 Member
    Me too!! Add me!
  • Used MPG previously and used to live getting on. Went from 298lbs to 168 got there and got lazy on staying slim. We're having a challenge at work $1 a day in the jar first to 20lbs lost wins the pot. I figured why not I've gained some. Then weigh in time....I'm at 224 I literally cried. So going I can find some awesome ppl like last time
  • joneallen
    joneallen Posts: 217 Member
  • I'm looking to connect with others for motivation as well. Add me guys.. I have over a 100 lbs to loose.
  • Well you did it before! You can do it again :) I am 200 and when I was in high school I was 115. I never needed to work out before so when the pounds came on I went into denial. Then now 85 lbs heavier I have finally opened my eyes. So lets make this time the last time we see this number on the scale
  • mhutzel78
    mhutzel78 Posts: 18 Member
    Today is day one for me. I could stand to lose 75 pounds. My weight this morning is 213 and I'm only 5 foot tall
  • jpomplas2
    jpomplas2 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been using this app for almost 3 weeks and it helps me tremendously!! I've been going at it alone and have lost 9 pounds, but still have 51 more to go. I stopped drinking soda which is what i think is a huge contributing factor BUT the app is awesome when trying to plan your day. Would love to join a group for encouragement and support
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    I have lost 106 lbs with 144 to go. Feel free to add me for motivation
  • Today is my fifth day, still kinda finding my way around this app. I have about 75-80 lbs to loose.... Could use some friendly motivation and health tips too.
  • Im 5' 11 and 220, gained 20 lbs in 6 weeks, sitting on the couch eating junk. I think that was the slap in the face I needed! Never thought I could gain 20 lbs in 6 weeks.
  • 240, 5'5, 43 yrs old - highblood pressure, borderline diabetes, a 5 year old and 11 year old who still need me ... and I want to live a long good life ... wake up call or what ... would like to lose 90 pounds in a good way ... I'm in!!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I have a total of 128 lbs to lose. I'm half way there, but still have much to do.

    I'm always up for new friends.
  • epa2000
    epa2000 Posts: 23 Member
    5'5, 39 years old and +100 to lose ... everyone feel free to add me, I need all the help I can get too :smiley:
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    I have about 100 to lose! always looking for motivation!
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've lost 87 pounds since I started this journey - 65 of which while on MFP. I'm only 18 pounds away from ONEderland, 45 away from a secondary goal, and 73 away from my final goal.
  • Add me! I'd love to lose 50 pounds. We can do it!
  • I want to lose about 30lbs and portion my food my biggest problem is eatting too muchi weight around 150 now and want to be a least 120 I need your guys help I'm trying to cut my calorie intake very low to see if it helps me lose weight and workout so add me!!
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    Feel free to add me! Good luck everyone!
  • Photograhicsoul
    Photograhicsoul Posts: 23 Member
    I got 30lbs to go. During the last year I dropped at least 1 size from doing ballet and so on, but it all went from building muscle and shaping up. I stayed the same weight, although it looked like I lost. So now I have decent muscles and still so much fat over, so I need motivation to concentrate on the weight loss part and aerobic activities, not just practicing what we learn in class...Add me pls!