Need motivational friends

Hey guys my name is Amanda, this isn't my first go round using MyFitness Pal I thought I could make it on my own without it but well here I am again which is great because I really love this program.

I am looking for motivational friends to help support me on this long journey I have over 150 pounds to loose and I would love to have some friends to support me. I am an equal opportunity motivator. If you show me support I will show you support.

Thanks guys!!


  • amberashleygetsfit
    amberashleygetsfit Posts: 31 Member
    I have 70 lbs to loose! (Maybe less) I haven't weighed myself since December 1st so I can stay motivatied and not get discouraged. I have been watching the types of food I am eating and exercising about a min of 4 days a week I aim for 6 but sometimes life gets in the way. I would love to be friends!