5"9 female looking for weight loss buddies!

RobynneMarie583 Posts: 7
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi all!

So just a bit about me - a year ago I lost a stone (14 pounds) and felt great! Over the last year I put 4 pounds of that back on! Which is not too bad but I could have done with losing an extra 10 pounds last year! So I'm back on it!!

My current weigh is 10 st 9 (149 pound) so I'm looking to get down to around 9 st 12 (138) give or take pound or two!

Also found out recently that I'm pre-diebetic so looking to get healthy!

I'm not particularly looking for a 'twin' here, just a support network!

So anyone who is interest in being my buddies please add me or share your comments below! Thanks and good luck everyone!


  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Well you are taller than me and your current weight is lower than my goal weight lol but if you want to add me, feel free :)
  • QiratulainK
    QiratulainK Posts: 5 Member
    Add me :)
    I'm 5'6
    22 years old
    I'm struggling to lose weight as I have health issues that get in the way of exercise
    My start weight is 174lbs and I want to get down to 146lbs :)
    It's hard but I really want this year to be the one where I get healthy.
  • melissaclaire93
    melissaclaire93 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'11 and also pre diabetic!!! Sent you a friend request!
  • jessofcourse
    jessofcourse Posts: 14 Member
    5'7 CW: 11st GW: 9st 12!
  • Thanks for the adds everyone!

    Has anyone got any secret motivation tips?
  • Hi! Add me too. I'm 33 yrs old, 5'4", 155 pounds. New medication a year and a half ago caused me to gain 15 pounds FAST! I need it gone. I worked hard to lose weight 3 yrs ago and having gained some back has bothered me a lot. I've also recently lost my job so sitting home alone all day stressed out just makes me bored and want to eat. I need some buddies to get me and keep me motivated and accountable. I have vowed to start home workouts today. My goal is 140 pounds.