GERD experiences? :(

I've had severe GERD since I was 5 years old (going on 14 years now). I've gone through every possible H-2 blocker and PPI except for Dexilant, because my body stops working with them after I've been on one for a year or two. I'm currently on Nexium. The GERD diet is burned into my mind - I know to avoid spicy food, dairy, chocolate, fast food, fatty food, excess amounts of food... I have my bed slightly elevated... I sleep on my side... and sometimes doing all of the above STILL doesn't help. And after not being able to sleep lying down for the past two nights, because my esophagus wants to spit acid up my throat, I'm so frustrated. I'm pretty sure that after a year of Nexium it's already beginning to not work, and I don't know where I'm supposed to go from here because we aren't sure I'm ready for surgery yet.

Does anyone with long-term GERD have any tips they could share with me about how they manage it? Preferably tips that aren't ones that everyone already knows. I know that a lot of MFP members are older than me, and I'm hoping someone has some experience with this and can share. :weary:


  • kim7180
    I have no advice to offer, but I am hoping you can give me some. My daughter is 5 and has been taking high dose PPI for about 4 months now. She had a bad flare up in December which prompted for testing to rule out allergy. Her endoscopy + biopsy came back normal. We are waiting for the impedance/pH probe test results. She most likely has GERD. I think she has always had it. She use to vomit a lot before she turned 3. Have you experienced flare ups while on medication? If so, in your experience what causes flare ups? My daughter will get reflux on the second bite of food that she is eating.. has this ever happened to you? Thanks!
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    You need to speak to your physician. Refractory GERD despite a PPI is an indication for gastroscopy. You may have ulcers, or you may have a hiatus hernia and need surgery (fundoplication) or you may have Zollinger-Ellison and have a gastrinoma. There are zero people on this forum who can assist with this problem unfortunately, only your physician.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I had that problem, but now I don't seem to ever have it. I just eat slower, eat less than I use to and drink plenty of fluids. I use to sit eat tums and rolaids like candy. I would wake up with it, even throw up now and again. I would agree with going and getting checked out for other things to see if that may be more of the problem. I use to even get it from just drinking water.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I wish I could you offer something. I've had it and it is miserable, especially at night. You have my sympathy.

    My GERD has mostly gone away now that I've lost weight, but I still take a daily Ranitidine and pop a few (many) Tums when needed.
  • Lesley_JJ
    Lesley_JJ Posts: 2 Member
    Have you had an upper endoscopy? I had horrific GERD and found out the valve between my esophagus and stomach had stopped working so it was constantly open and stuff was refluxing back up all the time. I had surgery and have been great for 18 years.
  • jackie26us
    jackie26us Posts: 22 Member
    I had horrific GERD. The doctors were worried that it was going to go to Barrett's and then cancer. I always had tums and usually threw up in the night--nothing worked. Since I've been eating healthy (jan 1st 2015) I have had zero problems. I eat spicy food a lot too. Mine seemed to be aggravated by stress and eating crap.