New to this forum...can someone help motivated? to lose over 50#.will start one day at

hlhutch91 Posts: 94 Member
edited January 2015 in Getting Started
Ready to tackle this challenge! Looking for people in my shoes that needs some great motivators! Wanting to lose over 50 lbs! Will be happy with 1-2 lbs a week!


  • las357s
    las357s Posts: 15 Member
    Same here! Add me!
  • I'm just starting my journey on mfp and would love more friends. I'm looking forward to losing 30 pounds by the end of summer and much more. Feel free to add me.
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    Hi I'm a week in to my journey, have 40 lbs to lose minimum! Going on holiday at end of May so hoping to be well on my way by then! Would love some friends to help motivate and support each other
  • quickcrx702
    quickcrx702 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm one of the laziest people I know, and I lost 50lbs before. Then I got comfortable and started drinking and eating fast food too much LOL. You guys can definitely do it.
  • Shouvagypsy
    Shouvagypsy Posts: 3 Member
    I'm like the others who replied. Now we need to form a group and support each other. Now how do we do this?
  • Hello all
    I am new to this and need someone to help me stay focused and on track. I should drop prolly 80 poinds but right now i am focusing on about 30 pounds and then take it from there. I have to admit that I hate excersise and I am tired of cooking. I would love to meet some people here to keep each other on track... Through thick and thinner. Pleaae add me as a friend.
  • Hi Ladies!

    I have lost 50 lbs so far and completely changed my families eating habits! Would love to work with you as I continue on my journey with 30 lbs to go!
    I am starting a Clean Eating group on Facebook and would love to bring you all in.
    Also, I started a blog to track my journey and what I do with my family! It is at and on FB it is

    I hope to hear from you all!

  • hlhutch91
    hlhutch91 Posts: 94 Member
    Well it's Friday and another weekend is upon us. Anyone have some great ideas for sticking with this? I will have to plane my meals ahead of time & try to stay away from the kitchen.
  • Add me too! I'm down 10 and have around 40 left to go. I'm finding that what works best for me is meal planning and packing breakfast and lunch on workdays. I also keep reminding myself that this is supposed to be a lifestyle change and try to make small and sustainable changes along the way :)

    let's do it!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Add me too. I also have 50 to lose. I'm using "Baby Steps" to change my lifestyle because once I lose these kilos, I don't want to find them again! I have lots to learn on the journey and think it will be way easier in a group.
  • bpatyer
    bpatyer Posts: 2 Member
    I am In the same boat. 60 years old, 50# overweight and disappointed in myself. I could use some support and encouragement
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Less typing. More moving. NOW
  • hlhutch91
    hlhutch91 Posts: 94 Member
    bpatyet ... don't give up. We can do this! I'm in a slump today too, but I just need to find something fun to do to exercise & change things up a bit. Every pound is one gone but I wish they would add up faster.