Antidepressants and weight gain



  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    edited January 2015
    bkerr30 wrote: »
    I have been on wellbutrin for about a year and haven't experienced any negative symptoms. Also from what I have read it is one of the few that doesn't reduce your sex drive either. Not sure if that is a concern for you, but as a newly married person it was for me ;)

    I can verify this statement. My husband has no complaints. XD

    OP: I'm on Wellbutrin, and as far as I can tell, it doesn't make me gain weight, or even increase my appetite. The thing is, there are antidepressants that can alter your appetite, but it's a side effect and not every person is going to have the same side effects. Keep your logging habit and watch your calories, and make sure you give it at least a month before you put anything down to a side effect. Well, except life threatening ones, which will show up very quickly!
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Wellbutrin is often recommended because it does not have the weight-gain or appetite-increasing side effects of some SSRI's.

    I gained 30 pounds over the last few years since adding two SSRI's, but it was mainly because I started eating more:) When I was more anxious, I was so sensitive to what I ate. I would immediately feel more jittery after chips/ chocolate, etc and my PMS/PMDD was drastically worsened. While on a SSRI, I could eat those things without the immediate repercussions. In addition, the Trazadone I take at night spurred a really strong appetite and night time eating habit that I am just now starting to overcome.

    With that said, it's worth it to feel better! I too work in the mental health field and I would like to recommend that you obtain therapy for yourself if you are not already seeking it. CBT and a SSRI are going to be your most effective route, as you already know.
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    many antidepressant cause constipation or to retain fluids. So you are not gaining fat, you are just holding onto other matter. On the other hand when the symptoms of depression go away, one's appetite comes back.
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    I am on Lexapro and have been losing weight just fine while on it. My doc put me on that one specifically because it is one that is least likely to increase appetite.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    memes_74 wrote: »
    Hi..I have some questions for those of you how may be on anti-depressants. I am going to doctor tommorrow to get on anti-depressants. My anxiety and depression is getting worse and my moods are somewhat unstable right now. I have a very high anxiety job, (Licensed therapist working in a mental hospital), so it seems right now I may need a little help. My concern is after researching I have noticed they all cause weight gain. Is this what those of you who are taking them or have experienced. Can anyone tell me which one is least likely to cause it.

    Thanks so much for your help

    Hi. Everyone reacts differently to medications. What may cause weight gain in one person might cause weight loss in another. Either way, the antidepressants themselves don't make you gain. They can increase your appetite which in turn causes weight gain. If you continue to log your food you likely will not gain. People gain because they end up giving into the increased appetite and take in a surplus amount of cals.

    That being said, I take prozac. It actually caused me to lose weight because it lead to more energy to exercise and killed my appetite:
  • memes_74
    memes_74 Posts: 18 Member
    So the doctor started me on Viibryd, she said it was weigh neutral..Hope it helps..anxiety level is out of control
  • teknosprite
    teknosprite Posts: 50 Member
    I hope it helps too! Definitely keep open communication with your prescriber and pay attention to your body. But DONT OBSESS! If you are looking for weight gain, you will find it! I would also agree with the recommendation for blood work - thyroid issues, for example, can add to depression/mood disorder symptoms and also metabolism.
    I've been on anti depressants on and off since I was a teen, so about 15 years now (wow that's a long time when I really think about it!) but I have dysthymia which means I'm depressed every day, not just episodically. That's why I continue to take ADs. I've been on a ton and while I've found that SSRIs do not work for me (I need lots of brain chemicals reached, I take small doses of Wellbutrin, Prozac, and a regular dose of Lamotrigine (lamictal). ) I don't think I've ever gained weight as a side effect. I gained weight when I started grad school four evenings a week after full time work, but that had to do with sitting on my butt all day and not the antidepressants.

    Wellbutrin is known to have less negative side effects as far as weight, sluggishness, and sex drive, but if your anxiety can get really bad like me, it can increase that a million times. So I take a little SSRI to counteract that. I think you will be alright. I know Seroquel and Zyprexa make most people gain weight but are not usually prescribed for depression/anxiety except as last resorts or Seroquel to sleep. But that increases appetite, which is something you can work on gaining control of.

    Ok, long winded response, but basically, as others have said, the help to my functioning in life is way worth any possible gains I might experience. Lying in bed crying instead of eating may result in a lower weight but I don't Effie care, I want to feel better! Good luck, it's always a bit of trial and error don't give up.
  • Ellenr07
    Ellenr07 Posts: 4 Member
    My doctor told me to exercise when he prescribed me Lexapro. Needless to say, I gained weight but I lost it when I came off them by eating healthy, tracking and exercising.

    I'm currently taking Citalopram and have gained a little. In fairness though, I have been eating whatever the hell I want and not tracking properly or exercising. That probably has more to do with the weight gain than the meds! ;)