Advice on diet needed

infi955 Posts: 1
edited January 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Hey guys,

My first post here. I can't digest milk, most grains, beans and nuts properly. When I found out about that a couple of years ago I changed my eating habits accordingly and my general well-being increased alot during that time. But this new style of eating brought with it it's very own set of problems.
I really don't want to lose weight. In fact I wouldn't mind gaining a few pounds. The main problems are the allergies I listed above (and money).

Things I want to change:

I want to cut out the chocolate. (My teeth started to hurt quiet bit, like in the "sensitive teeth" phenomenon.)
In a nutshell: chocolate ruins my teeth and can cause an upset stomach.

I started to lack energy in the afternoon and just didn't know what to eat.
I want to have more energy in the early afternoon and don't get hunger attacks before dinner (between 4 and 8pm)

As for physical activity, I do hike up the "mountains" within walking distance from where I live every other day after work which amounts to 400 - 600m uphill.
I also work out at home regularly at night but with varying intensity as I am more often than not without any energy and/or lethargic due to a massive dinner.

My current dietary habits:

7-9am breakfast
a portion veggies
some greens (1 or 2 salad leaves or parsley)
piece of smoked fish (50 - 75g) (or 1 egg)
1 Banana or 1 ladle cold rice from the rice cooker stash (sometimes just an apple)
1 cup of hot tea (somehow satisfies my appetit)

11-12am lunch (lunch-to-go prepared the night before, as I am basicly never home during noontime)
piece of lean meat (usually chicken), (100 - 200g)
sometimes also an egg or 2
raw, cut up veggies, zucchini, carrots, turnips I just got accustomed to eat them plain. (I'll sometimes prepare a proper salad with olive oil the night before but I'm usually too lazy)
if I don't yet feel satisfied I'll usually finish with banana or another fruit.

3pm big fruit snack
(big, massive amounts of fruits. usually bananas and apples because I can't afford to eat other fruits in abundance. [about 1 Euro/kg. which is about as cheap as you can get where I live.])

5pm big fruit snack +
up to 100gr. (sometimes 200gr. :'( ) chocolate to satisfy my need for good amounts of energy. (no fatigue due to active digestion)
(I would usually get tired quiet easily at this time of day if I were to eat foods that fill my stomach.)

6-8pm dinner
fish, egg or meat (2 or 3 eggs, or 150 - 300g of meat, fish)
vegetables usually cooked (300 - 600g I guess)
potatoes or rice (moderate amount. I guess 100 - 200g cooked)

I'm currently thinking about this: Just prepare another "lunch-to-go", adding another meal to the daily menu. that would weigh on my pockets though. I guess it would be an extra 75 Euro/Month for me which is quiet a lot. However not buying ANY chocolate would save me about 23 Euro/Month.

Summarized: chocolate addiction; lack of energy in the afternoon; allergies

English isn't my native language. Please don't bash me for that. =)


  • chette78
    chette78 Posts: 82 Member
    what foods are off limits? when you say most what can you eat? Then lets go from there.