trying to stay fit while pregnant

Hi everyone, is there any other pregnant women in here. I also have a 1 1/2 yr old. I am 32 yrs


  • penguinlibrarian
    penguinlibrarian Posts: 33 Member
    Me! I'm 31 yrs old..almost 19 weeks.
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    Yay! I'm in week 26 and I have been told that I don't look pregnant. I am having a baby girl. I think it hard to do these apps cuz you can't put that your pregnant on them.
  • RabecaR
    RabecaR Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, fellow baby spawners! I'm 14 weeks and have a 6,7 & 10 year old. I hear you on the not being able to defend yourself against the "ticker".
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck with that Rabeca. This is my last one. It is going be so hard to not exercise for that 6 to 8 weeks after she gets here.
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    Woohoo I have losed a pound since Sunday :D
  • heartmama77
    heartmama77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm 16 weeks with child 2, age 37. I gained 60 lbs with my first and it was really tough to get it off, so trying to be as active as possible and eat healthy. Which is hard for me while prefnant! Do you guys know if there's a group for pregnant women?
  • pnkpassion
    pnkpassion Posts: 64 Member
    hello! I am 14 weeks with my first child. I already obese and I do not desire to gain any weight during my pregnancy. I have been eating pretty well and have not gained anything until this week, 4lbs actually! I am scared. I do not want to weight more than I do now when I give birth. I am not actively dieting but hoping to be fit during the pregnancy and replace fat loss with baby weight. Good luck everyone!
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    Heartmama77 I don't think there is a group for pregnant women. We could make one. I gained over 70 pounds with my first and he is a year an a half. I have only lost about 20 of that before I got pregnant again.

    Pnkpassion good luck!!! You will gain but if you eat right and try some exercise the fat will turn to muscle. But if you exercise and it hurts then stop. You don't want to hurt the baby
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    Going for a walk is great for pregnancy. If you have the weather for it
  • brownidgirl35
    brownidgirl35 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi ladies. I got side-tracked student teaching in August. I gained 10lbs because I could not find time to exercise with so much school work due for classroom and online class. Well, I thought I would be able to start my routine back until I found out I am pregnant. This is a miracle for me because I had always been told I could not have children. I am about 10 weeks and I am 38yrs old. I do have an ultrasound scheduled for 2/9 and will hopefully find out a better time frame.
    I had lost 64lbs before student teaching and I was able to start toning my body. I was comfortable weighing 203-204lbs but now I am 234lbs. It is definitely not all baby and I would love to at least tone up again. Does anyone have any suggestions on safe exercises?

    Thank y'all & congratulations to each of you!
  • sagefae
    sagefae Posts: 27
    Hi! I'm also pregnant with my second little one; 19 weeks in as of today with a late June due date. I'm 30 years-old with a 3 year-old boy, and now we'll be adding a girl. I went into this pregnancy obese already, so trying to gain as little as possible. I lost about 60 lbs. after having my first one, but after he turned 1, I put it all back on. Hopefully I'll be able to lose it all again!

    Anyone feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    I was doing legs, butt, and arms till my knee starting to hurt. As long as your not laying on your tummy you should be fine. An when you get in the second trimester your not really allowed to lay on your back for long periods of time. I use Google a lot. I'm a stay at home mom
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    Was a group started for pregnant women?
  • smom21g
    smom21g Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am currently pregnant 21 weeks and have gained almost 20 lbs already. Prior to getting pregnant I got injured from running and had to stop for 3 months and a month later I found out I was pregnant. I am working out again, under dr's supervision.
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    Hi and welcome. I think we kind a did start our own little group.
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. I have been eating so much sweets lately. I don't know how to stop. No fun
  • monkeythedog
    monkeythedog Posts: 5 Member
    I'm pregnant too and I'm using this app to either maintain my current weight or lose 1/2 lb a week. I'm finding it very difficult to not eat everything in sight. Only 9.5 weeks right now, and I have a toddler that is keeping me very busy. I find that if I don't eat carbs I get very nauseous so...trying not to go overboard with it but I don't feel well enough to work out. Anyway glad to find this group!!
  • monkeythedog
    monkeythedog Posts: 5 Member
    Oh and so far my weight has fluctuated between losing 2 lbs from weight when I found out I was pregnant to 5 lbs over that weight. I guess its mostly water weight and of course I was 5 lbs over on my doctor visit. Dang! :)
  • mervalade
    mervalade Posts: 15 Member
    Monkeythedog good luck!! An I just want to tell you that you will always weigh more at the Dr then at home. I don't go by what there's says. I go by what mine tells me at home. An welcome to the group
  • monkeythedog
    monkeythedog Posts: 5 Member
    hi mervalade, thanks! i wonder why i weigh more at the doctor than at home? i know my BP goes through the roof while I'm at the doctor b/c I am not looking forward to the poking and prodding. lol