New here! I need to lose 100 pounds!



  • 2networking
    2networking Posts: 16 Member
    I lost 100 pounds and put some back on when I stopped using MFP but I'm almost back to 100 pounds and I have about 40 more pounds to go. I turned 50 this year and hope to have it off for my 51 birthday. I changed my diet to organic and I am always changing my workout...moving and working out is the best way to take off the weight because it really helps with the emotional well being part and when you get down you won't get bored. Take lots of pictures even if you don't like too. They are a great way to go back and see the real changes in you!!! Your on a great journey and you will find yourself...don't stop!!!
  • Jseppp
    Jseppp Posts: 11 Member
    I definitely feel more motivated just by talking with others striving to lose weight. It's not as easy when trying to do it alone!

    So, THANK YOU!
  • PS1959
    PS1959 Posts: 15 Member
    Yesterday someone gave me a York Peppermint fun sized candy. the first thing I did was logon and find out how many calories it had (60). I then decided it was not worth the calories and gave it away. This was a big step for me as a chocaholic. So I have 50 lbs to lose, and am down 7 (can't weigh myself again until this weekend). But instead of 20 lbs goals, I have 5 lb goals--so the first 5 was to go bowling--the 2nd 5lbs is to go on a hike to the light house (I live in CA)--no goals with food attached. I am hoping the light house will be this weekend!!
    Best of luck to all of us on this road to healthy living.
  • jgrubb2011
    jgrubb2011 Posts: 13 Member
    Jseppp wrote: »
    I've been really good at not eating after 6 PM, and making sure I drink plenty of water. I tend to have moments of binge eating, and quite honestly, it's from being bored.

    I feel so out of shape, but I have to remember that working out even a little, is better than not working out at all!

    baby steps - keep telling yourself that. it'll all come with time. I work 9 hours a day and go to school full-time. there's no way I want to come home and get on the treadmill or workout at all, but even 10 minutes is better than none. I spent a week at 10 minutes, then going to 11, 12, 13, and so on. Each week I will increase by a minute. When I feel like I'm ready for more I'll do it. If I have more time one day versus another I might double up, but that doesn't mean I still won't do it everyday.
  • natalie8313
    natalie8313 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm so glad that I have come across this post, as I too have 100 lbs to lose and do the emotional eating. I've used MFP before but only used it for tracking. This time around I want to find support and read the success of others to keep me motivated. More than likely I will be friending everyone on this feed, I hope that's ok!

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • socialone74
    socialone74 Posts: 85 Member
    Jseppp I sent you an invitation to a group I created for those who need or have lost 100+ lbs -- Thanks
  • cycling walking has made me a fitter person never been inside a gym
  • jillmomtoo4
    jillmomtoo4 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, My name is Jill, I am 37 and have around 100lbs to loose. I can't believe I got to this point and NEED help getting and staying focus. If anyone wants to pair up with me, please friend me!
  • Hi, everybody - so glad I found this group. I'm 53, 5'2", and 230 pounds. I have over 100 pounds to lose like everyone here. I truly believe we can do this. We just have to un-learn bad habits and replace them with good ones. Someone in another group suggested buying 4 oz containers at the dollar store, and putting 100 calorie portions of snacks in them to have around in the car, in your desk at work, anywhere a craving might strike. I think that's a great idea and I'm going to get some of those containers after work today. If anyone has any other good ideas, I'd love to hear them.

    Good luck, everyone!
  • Hi! I was an emotional eater also- suffered with major depression and allowed myself to comfort myself with food. I am way better emotionally, and physically getting better everyday. I began on jan 3 to improve my life by eating right and exercising. I only eat clean foods - which I'm sure was a shock to my body as I was a junk food junkie and sugar addict. I am up to jogging for 25 min and fast walking on treadmill for total of 60 min a day, after being a couch potatoe, I have to push myself because I would still rather sit..... However I feel great afterwards. I'd love support and be able to provide it for others on our journey!!! Please add me - anyone!!! I don't know how to add people. Thanks!!
  • I have successfully lost 76 pounds and have 14 to go. I would like to offer a few pieces of advice.
    Set small goals and when met take it up a step. It will keep you motivated to keep hitting your small goals.
    Can you try to get up 30-45 minutes early to get in a workout? I have 3 kids and by the end of the day I was totally wiped and never energy left to workout. Now that I am in the routine of getting in my workout at 5:30am then I feel so much better and it gives me more energy for the day. Also another thing to encourage you that the energy level and ability for exercise gets easier the more weight you lose.
    Is there anyone that is a friend that can be your accountability partner? Maybe someone that also wants to lose weight or get fit. It makes a world of difference to me.

    Good luck and stay focused. :)
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    Congratulations on your choice and stating it boldly! Good for you. Check out the forums, don't beat yourself up, follow a few blogs you like. And track everything you eat. You'll be fine. Welcome to the neighborhood.
  • KJMajano
    KJMajano Posts: 14 Member
    My goal is 80 in 11 months, by the holidays this year. It's been a week and I have lost 7.4. I am so excited, hope you feel as motivated as I do, feel free to add for support/motivation! We can do this!
  • Jseppp
    Jseppp Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone! I'm definitely going to try to start waking up earlier and getting my work out in before work. I'm up to try anything to keep me on track! (:
  • vmonck
    vmonck Posts: 2
    I am an emotional eater too. Also eat when I'm bored. I need to lose 80 lbs. My goal is to lose it in 11 months. I am really struggling with exercising. Add me as a friend and we can motivate each other.