Getting back on MFP bandwagon but still so confused about what to eat, how much to eat

So I haven't been tracking for a while but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I'm currently about 12 lbs from what I'm thinking my final goal will be. I've been reading a lot of the threads on food and nutrition plus looking at different books and blogs trying to figure out besides watching my calories in and calories out how I can improve my eating habits for the long term. But my head is really starting to spin...

I know that I like to eat breakfast everyday and I prefer a breakfast with protein. I've been trying some protein smoothies recently, but it used to be either a protein bar or 2 hard boiled eggs.

I have been working on cutting down my intake of Diet Coke (Splenda as I can't do NutraSweet). I'm currently down to 3 12 oz cans per day but would like to continue cutting that back. I'm currently drinking about 64 oz of water per day.

Lunch is usually either a salad, sandwich or cup of soup.

For snacks, I usually do either a protein bar, a piece of fruit, a handful of unsalted nuts (cashews or walnuts) or a hard boiled egg depending on what I had for breakfast.

For dinner, I try to stick to leaner cuts of meat - chicken, fish or lean beef mostly. I try to get a side of veggies or maybe a baked sweet potato. I do have some carbs at dinner depending on what we are making. I aim for whole wheat when I can if it's bread.

I let myself have 1 candy splurge a week.

Exercise is walking my dogs 2X a day plus an additional 20-30 minutes of walking 4-5 times per week. I do body weight or resistance band exercises for 10-15 minutes 3X per week.

What should I modify? I want to lose the weight but if it takes some time I'm fine with that. I want habits that are going to be sustainable for me for the long term, and that will help me feel my best.

Thank you in advance.


  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi there. Welcome back. :) So, tell me how many calories you are consuming per day?
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Being so close to goal, make sure you have your calories set at a reasonable amount. I'd say use the settings to lose .5/week or look into TDEE. Also would suggest heavy lifting.

    As for what to eat, whatever you want, just make it fit in your goals. What are your stats?
  • katmumn
    katmumn Posts: 78 Member
    Yesterday I just tracked to see how much I was eating and it came out to 1700 calories, which I think is too much. Before when I was tracking regularly, I was trying to stay around 1500 calories. 1200 was too few for me and I wasn't losing any weight.

    Heavy lifting is probably going to be a no go for me at this point. I have multiple herniated discs. I can do machines, but my doctors discourage heavy free weights at this point.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by stats? I'm 5' 3" and 136 lbs currently. I'm 44.
  • spingirl605
    spingirl605 Posts: 181 Member
    katmumn wrote: »
    Yesterday I just tracked to see how much I was eating and it came out to 1700 calories, which I think is too much. Before when I was tracking regularly, I was trying to stay around 1500 calories. 1200 was too few for me and I wasn't losing any weight.

    Heavy lifting is probably going to be a no go for me at this point. I have multiple herniated discs. I can do machines, but my doctors discourage heavy free weights at this point.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by stats? I'm 5' 3" and 136 lbs currently. I'm 44.

    hmmmm....Very interesting...I'm 5'3" and want to be 136lbs!! And I'm 43...Weird! lol
    I also believe 1200 calories is too low, and try to attain 1500. I am currently 142lbs and am trying so hard to get to 135. I finally went out and bought a food scale today. I think you're on the right track, and if you stick with it, you should get to your goal...

    Good luck!!
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    All I can suggest is cardio that will get your heartrate up there...more so than walking the dogs may do. I realize you have disc issues. Maybe look at for workouts you can do that will burn enough calories to help you lose. It looks like you are eating well, just make sure you weigh and measure so that you have accurate accounting of your caloric intake. Exercies and log your activity and try to keep yourself in deficit enough to lose the amount you wish to lose per week (whatever you have set up when you set goals for MFP). It's really all math. Calories in (eating) vs calories out (exercise). If all the numbers are accurate you will lose. I think you are on the right track. Make sure you have plenty of positive minded friends to keep you motivated and support you so you don't give up! Good luck! :smile:
  • katmumn
    katmumn Posts: 78 Member
    What about something like kettlebells as long as I don't go to heavy?

    I can't do any overhead lifts, but as long as I stay shoulder height or below and not too heavy I'm usually ok.
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    Kettlebell workouts are awesome. Yes if you can do weights but modify for your shoulders you'll do great. Plus leg workouts with weights (holding dumbbells or kettlebells) burn tons of calories. I think you can find something that will work for you yet avoid injury yourself. Keep the weight light enough to keep you free of injury but heavy enough to challenge your muscles a bit. There have to be just have to look for them. I'd love to stay updated on your progress.