Trying, once again...

Unfortunately I find myself starting on the diet band-wagon once again. I am very well educated about what the right portions are, what is healthy to eat and what exercises to do at the gym to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. However, I constantly find myself being very strict, and making healthy life choices and then stopping when I do not see results. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and an underactive thyroid. Both of these conditions prevent me from losing weight in the normal amounts most people would through calorie restriction and working out. I find myself getting discouraged constantly and stop dieting. I do not want this to be a battle my entire life.
I am currently 23 years old and weigh 219 pounds. My doctors have prescribed me two medications (metformin and contrave) to help me be successful in getting my health and weight under control so I am hoping that I will see results this time around. My goal weight is 145lbs. I try to eat a healthy 1200-1400 calories per day diet that is high in lean protein and vegetables. When I go to the gym I typically do 40-60 minutes of cardio and about 20 minutes of weight training. In the past even strictly adhering to that diet and workout routine I have barely lost 1lb in 4 weeks. I plan on continuing with this routine now paired with the medication to see if it will finally work for me.
I am hoping to hear from people who have had a similar struggle and have found successful ways at staying on track and not losing faith. Anybody who has any experience taking either of these medications and has any insight to share I would greatly appreciate it. Also if somebody thinks that my diet and workout routines are not setup to lose weight I would love some tips that may help me on my journey. I want to finally win this battle and be happy, healthy and comfortable in my own skin!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid as well and you CAN do this. It's all about consistency and mindset!

    Feel free to friend me and maybe I can help! :D
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I just started Contrave Jan 14th. I don't have a scale at home (haven't gotten the Scale down one yet). I don't know if it's made a difference yet or not, but I do find myself more motivated & I sleep better.

    I'm even getting back on MFP after a break of a couple of years & gaining back the 50lbs I'd lost plus some. Though I would log on here & there, I would never stick to it. I know something has to give! I was in exactly your position, well, without the PCOS. I believe I have the thyroid issue, as my family all has it, but it's always hard to catch it not working.

    But at 23 I was 215. I'd been at that weight for several years. I had a baby...gained the weight AFTER I had him, despite all of the exercise I got & breastfeeding. Never did figure that out. Since then, I've had two more kiddos, but by c-section. Also had a breast reduction in 2013. But my weight it still not going down in any way. I'd given up for the longest time. I'm hoping the Contrave will help with the constant feeling of wanting to eat something, even if I'm not hungry. And help me get past the lack of motivation I feel, even though I know in my head I have to do something.
  • nimmu87
    nimmu87 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 27- weigh around 240 lbs. Hvae an underactive thyroid, PCOS and insulin resistance. Need to lose at least 80 lbs. Started last April on MFP. Lost 21 lbs by July. Already depressed and further, lost motivation after July. Thyroid is not helping either. At 240 lbs. it brings me to tears when I run on the treadmill carrying all that weight. I stick to less than 1200 calories, nutriblast and am vegetarian. But I hit the gym walking/ occasionally running for 3+ miles once a week- then I give up. The sad part is since I'm Indian and marriages are still arranged in this day, no one wants to even consider my profile because I'm FAT. Have been that way my whole life. Low self-esteem. Lost confidence and slipped into depression. Chose to major in Mechanical Engineering- hated it. Work in NY after graduate degree. Been working with trainers, dietitians, doctors for the past 3 years without luck. Nothing seems to work. And it makes the depression worse. The thyroid led to PCOS, insulin resistance, the usual. But I don't understand why I stopped losing. What is wrong here? The doctor is supposed to be taking care of the medication (he said he would give me cytomel). I stick to the diet and hit the gym. Do strength training too (like I'm supposed to) whenever I can despite chronic fatigue. What do I do? I need some loving support and motivation. I want to start the journey with all of you and see progress on an everyday basis. Not the before and after pictures alone for someone it worked for. Please take me into your group and help me feel like I'm part of some group- something, even if I don't lose any weight. I want to be with people that empathize.