OMG...can I do this?

I am going to a party tonight...first one since I started this. There will be alcohol there...I will probably not have any

I am worried about food though... It is pot luck so I can't control it. I don't want to be rude... I don't want to eat the stuff either that I have been staying away from... OMG What do I do?



  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Just eat small amounts of what you know is on the healthier side and chew slowly. I went through this recently. You will do great. There's bound to be foods there that won't blow your dieting. Just think healthy. So many times we forget that foods can be delicious and appear to be fattening but the nutrients out weigh the calories.
  • highland_sky
    highland_sky Posts: 27 Member
    Have your pot luck be a healty snack so you can fill up on yours but sample, or seem to, some of the other items.
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    Potluck means you can bring bring something for you :)
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Pre eat something good for you so you will be less tempted when you get there and enjoy some of the other food in SMALL quantities! You'll make it through and even if you get something that you've een staying away from, you deserve a SMALL treat for eing good. If diets involved never touching anything we enjoed most of the people on here would never find success. Even if you do indulge a bit take it one day at a time not everyday will there be a party and you'll still be on track tomorrow!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    It is pot luck so I can't control it. I don't want to be rude... I don't want to eat the stuff either that I have been staying away from... OMG What do I do?


    It's a pot BRING something! Maybe a couple things...things you can eat that are healthy, low cal & that you know the calorie count. Carrots & hummus or lite ranch, black bean brownies or pineapple angel food cake. Bring some hard candy to suck on or some gum & your favorite diet soda and have fun!!
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    Drink a lot of water and have a healthy snack before you go. Live a little but just have small portions of things a spoon full here & there won't hurt you! Just make sure you get some exercise in tomorrow.. enjoy! :drinker:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I really don't think anybody will be watching what you take, or don't take, for your meal. Honestly, I don't think most people watch what's on anyone else's plate.

    Bring something healthy (maybe a veggie tray or something). Take tiny tastes of other stuff; don't fill your plate and don't feel obligated to eat everything before you. Eat slowly and don't go back for seconds. Spend most of the party enjoying the company.

    One strategy I use (since I have a tendency to eat as long as there is food in front of me) is to chew gum. Take some gum and put it in your mouth when you're done eating. You'll be chewing on something, and less tempted to eat more.