New here...

lovexlexi Posts: 47 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Alexa and I am 20 years old. I just downloaded this app today because I am hoping to document my weight loss journey. Currently, I weigh 165 pounds and am hoping to lose between 30 and 40 pounds to be within the healthy weight range for my height, which is 5'4". I have struggled with my weight for quite some time now and finally decided that enough is enough. I'm still young and I feel that I need to take action now before I end up looking back on my youth and wishing I had made a change sooner. I also refuse to let myself go any longer. I just want to feel good in my own skin. After all, our bodies are our most priceless gift and we should all be taking care of it, right? Anyways, if anyone has any tips or is willing to share their story with me I'd really appreciate it! I'm a beginner and would love to hear advice from people more experienced than me. Also, in case you were curious, I have been working out at home with a few apps called FitStar and Popsugar Fitness for the past couple of days and I love them so far. If you don't have these apps, you should try them. In addition, I try to burn around 500 calories a day. I also am joining a gym with a bunch of the closest people in my life and will be going there for one to two hours two days a week to start. Finally, and this one's a big one for me... I've been cutting back on a lot of my snacks and junk food and have been monitoring my calorie intake more closely. I know this road won't be easy, but I'm determined to reach my goal. Please feel free to share your stories and advice with me as well as changes you made to your diet and what kind of workout routines have worked best for you. Thank you!


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Alexa! Good for you for taking control of your health. Feel free to add me!
  • snava01
    snava01 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi hun thats awesome im new too. Ive used this app for 7 days now and keeping track of my intake 2000cal a day. Im 287. Ive gained maybe 25 in past 3-4 months. This seems like cool app. Anything i can do help please im here
  • SSOV22
    SSOV22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm in pretty much the same boat haha. I'm 19 years old and I've just started using this app. I'm a second year uni student in Waterloo, Ontario and like you, I want to get fit before I get older and I start getting less motivated. You're only young for so long, right? Gotta make the best of it guess. This is my first ever post lol I'm so excited about getting healthier. Feel free to add me! And to anyone else who's reading this, feel free to add me as well :smiley:
  • lovexlexi
    lovexlexi Posts: 47 Member
    @SSOV22‌, @snava01‌, @KLangleydoula‌ Thank you guys! Your support means a lot and you can never have to much motivation! You're so right about making the most of every moment. No one should live their whole lives not being proud of themselves or not feeling good about their body. And I am actually really excited about getting healthy as well. I've honestly never been this eager to turn my life around, but one day something just clicked and I started pushing myself even when I didn't want to. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I just started a few days ago and hope to start seeing the pounds drop finally. No giving up this time. And this app is great because you can even have complete strangers motivating you to keep pushing. I hope you guys reach your weight loss goals! I'm rooting for you!