Ladies in the 20's & 30's "sweating for the wedding" and/or TTC w/PCOS

Hi all!

Is there anyone else who is on a crunch to lose as much weight as possible by the time they get married?? Starting January 31st, I have exactly 27 weeks until my August 8th ceremony. Being 5'4, 245 pounds, that's definitely not nearly enough time to lose all the weight I really need to, but I'll definitely look and feel better! My goal is to get down to 170 pounds, which is a weight loss goal of 75 pounds. Would love some girlfriends to motivate and help keep me motivated! I want to encourage everybody, however would like to add only people who are dedicated to making a healthy lifestyle change the healthy way and who are active in sharing thoughts, struggles, ideas, and recipes on MFP.

I have PCOS and want a family more than anything, so I'm trying to get my body as healthy as possible before even TTC. With that said, as soon as my fiance of almost 6 years and I are married we will be trying! And that's whether I've met my goal weight or not. :)

Please add me if you're looking for a friend! I'm a good listener. :D

~ Hope


  • bmashala2010
    I would love to talk and have a work out buddy...I will be a bridesmaid June27 and would like to lose 50 lbs...let's talk :)
  • YumiZoomi
    I want to join this crew! My cousin is getting married July 4 and my close friend Sept 6. I'm not apart of the wedding or anything, but for once I'd like to dress up fashionably and not feel self conscious about it. I'm 5'6, 220 currently, (started at 240 12/25/2014). My goal weight is 165. I want to be 165 by June 11, my birthday, but I don't know if I can make that so I'm aiming 165 for at least my cousin's wedding and definitely by my friend's wedding. So that means I need to drop around 50lbs as well, if not more.

    So yeah.. Add me!.. or Let me know, and I'll add you :)
  • DaisyChain80
    DaisyChain80 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi I'm in my 30's add me!
  • paintpastelprincess86
    I am getting married may 6th, and have about 14 weeks to lose 16 lbs. I have already dropped 51 since June. I want to look decent for my wedding! I am 5'3 with a starting weight of 207, I am at 156 currently. add me if you want to keep motivated! :)
  • xxanotherstarxx
    xxanotherstarxx Posts: 7 Member
    I'd like to be friends :) I am getting married in October and have about another 50lbs I want to lose. Add me if you'd like to
  • Lamamu85
    Lamamu85 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm looking to lose weight too. I have 30kg I want to lose total- hopefully 10 by my wedding in April. Add me
  • strawberrylaces994
    I have a wedding to look good for! This app looks like it can work if you stick to it! I hate looking at the number on the scales. I like cake too much. Wanting to loose about 2 stone which is going to be tough! Any advice? Xx
  • Thully
    Thully Posts: 11
    Hi. Can I join in. Even though im already married, but im desperate to have a child of my own. Im 34 years old, turning 35 in April, and i pray that God blesses us with children.
    My Gynae diagnosed me with PCOS beginning of last year and i've taken clomid and other meds...but now am fed up. But he did mention that i need to shed some weight in order to increase my chances of conceiving. Actually i was told the same thing by another Dr... So here i am striving towards that.
    God helps those who help themselves.

    I can do with all the support i can get.
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    Hi. I'm 32 and TTC. I have no wedding date any time soon. I'm at the last part of losing weight but I would like to be part of this group.
  • laurenknaggs
    laurenknaggs Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm also ttc with pcos, anyone in the UK?
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    i have pcos
    my daughter was a clomid baby after 3 and a half years of trying

    after losing 149lb i fell pregnant with my partner we had only been together a month! (only "active" for a week of that, whoops)

    unfortunatly i lost the baby at 9 weeks and 4 days, working on getting better right now as i was very ill but we will eventually try again and im encoraged somewhat that if we managed it once we could manage it again

    im in the uk
  • RazzyFiercei
    Hi! I was recently diagnosed with pcos. I am in the process of losing 40 lbs to get my body ready for ttc. I could use all the support I can get. I would love to be a part of this group! :)