Anyone willing to help me out?

I have been using MFP for about 3 weeks now and at first I felt like I was consistently losing. Now this week has been especially rough. I actually gained 3lbs over the past 2 days or so. I thought I was doing everything right but now I am not so sure. I really want to get into the healthy weight range for my height by the end of this month, ideally I would like to reach my goal but that is far fetched. If I continue to have weeks like this week I am never going to make it.
Would anyone be willing to take a look at my diary and give me feedback or advice? Also any advice in general would be great too.
Thanks so much! Amy


  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Ok you have to Citroën on processed foods and that includes mcdonalds taco bell, etc

    You have to start tracking sugar! You are eating way too much sugar without realizing it

    Next, you need to rebalance your diet. You are eating way too many carbs and way too little protein. I suggest you change mfp settings to 30/40/30 for carbs protein fat

    That will put you at about 109g carbs a day and about 120g protein. Stick to that :)
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    its perfectly normal and everyone mostly does this around this point in their weight loss. Just keep at it. Try not weighing every day if you can do it but sometimes it works for people to keep them focused. Keep working at finding what works for you.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I seriously doubt you ate enough food to gain 3 actual probably just had a little more sodium and are retaining some water weight. Also, as you get close to your goal weight, it's going to be harder to get rid of those last few pounds. My advice would be to watch your salt intake, be sure you drink plenty of water, and don't skimp out on strength training. A lot of women think that weight/strength training is going to make them bulk up so all they do is cardio. Our bodies aren't capable of bulking up without supplements...we just don't have the right hormones...and since muscle is the body's fat burning mechanism, you're not going to burn that extra fat without building some extra muscle. I don't know what your workouts consist of, but I'd definitely take a look at your strength training to cardio ratio.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Wow stupid iPad autocorrect. I meant to say cut down on processed foods
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Just took a glance at a couple of days - looks really great. Suggest you try to stay under what MFP gives you in Carbs, Fats and Sodium - and go over in Protein and Fiber. Track all of these. Good luck to you!
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    It sounds like you may be weighing in too often. Once a week at the most is best. I would add more fruit and veggies, more protein too.
  • Amers85
    Amers85 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you so much for all of your supportive responses. I agree that Processed foods is a problem that I need to focus on. I used to do really great with that. I do have a follow up question if you don't mind. What should I do to reduce my carb intake and increase my Protein? I am really at a loss with that so any suggestions would be great! I love fruits and I know those have carbs but I hate to eliminate those. Any advice would be amazing!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Start tracking your sodium. That'll make you stop eating so much processed food once you see how much salt is in fast food :)

    Hang in there :)
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Thank you so much for all of your supportive responses. I agree that Processed foods is a problem that I need to focus on. I used to do really great with that. I do have a follow up question if you don't mind. What should I do to reduce my carb intake and increase my Protein? I am really at a loss with that so any suggestions would be great! I love fruits and I know those have carbs but I hate to eliminate those. Any advice would be amazing!

    Eat fish like cod or salmon and add chicken or turkey breast to salads etc

    Eat less cereal...have eggs for bkfst instead