Busy Wife. Need friends for support.

sara243 Posts: 30 Member
34 year old wife with two jobs. Need support from friends to help stay on track and encourage each other. I'd like to drop 30-40 lbs of weight I've gained in the last 10 yrs to feel better about myself and get healthy to start a family.


  • shawandaedison
    shawandaedison Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 25, and trying to achieve the same goal as you! So far from downloading this app, I've lost 6.8 lbs. so it is a process. But don't give up. You can do this. If you can't work out, just eat right. I will motivate you, if you motivate me! :) #deal?
  • mlafue01
    mlafue01 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck! I know the feeling of being busy. It is doable and takes patience.
  • Hi
    I am in the same type of lifestyle.
    I am a mom of two with a full time job. Life is crazy. My goal is to work out at home before I have to get ready for work.
    I want to drop 40-50.
    Feel free to add me
  • joylevelup
    joylevelup Posts: 63 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • feel free to add me. I'm also a super busy mom and grad student. I use Up to track my steps but I could be doing better (meaning more walking) I'm trying to stay within my caloric intake. sometime I just lose steam.
  • loozer788
    loozer788 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I have been on fitness pal before and loved doing it. I have done weight watchers and lost lots of weight but need to try something again that doesn't cost me lots of money!!! My son is getting married in October and want to lose weight so I can buy a great gown. Please post any suggestions you may have for boredom eating!! Good luck to everyone.
  • DeeRay101712
    DeeRay101712 Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I could use more friends :smiley:
  • beckygauger
    beckygauger Posts: 3 Member
    24 year old wife and mother looking to lose 30-40 lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • vanessangonzalez
    vanessangonzalez Posts: 38 Member
    Almost 32 yo wife looking to lose about 20 lbs. We'd also like to start a family and I want to be fit and healthy beforehand. ( Not to mention I don't want to be fat on top of pregnant. Lol.) Feel free to add me! :)
  • hezzie92
    hezzie92 Posts: 15 Member
    The word "busy" in your post caught my eye! Busy working mom here who got to her goal weight and then got lazy (or really, just put herself last, as most of us tend to do). Feel free to add me!
  • rin080382
    rin080382 Posts: 19 Member
    Busy here too, help run a busy non-profit. Kids, hubby, pets. Started at 219 in November 2014 just watching portions and making better choices. Got serious in Jan 2015 and joined MFP and started T25. I am down to 198 now and my goal is 150. Add me!
  • GoingBrowntown
    GoingBrowntown Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not a wife or mother, but I am a busy (er, ish) student with a lot of responsibilities involving sitting down in front of a computer or a book. Have dieted a million times before but this time does feel a little different, and I can't wait to watch this 50lbs melt away- hope I can help anyone get motivated along the way! Feel free to add me.
  • jessicann149
    jessicann149 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there I'm 32 mum of one and need to shift some timber to make me feel better in myself so looking for lots of encouragement x
  • Amber6189
    Amber6189 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm also 34 and a busy working mom. I am looking for new MFP friends with open food diaries to get some new ideas for meals. Also for support and motivation. I will send you an add...we can do this!
  • ImDowner
    ImDowner Posts: 35 Member
    35 year old wife and mom, also needing motivation and encouragement. I'm looking to lose around 50 pounds.
  • julieeball
    julieeball Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to loose 60 pounds with a toddler and 5 mo old it's hard to exercise! Hoping this tool will help!
  • JenniferCarter2015
    JenniferCarter2015 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm trying to loose 60lbs too and a very busy mom! Please add me, we can cheer each other on
  • 38, mum of 4, need to lose 50lbs. I literally just joined MFP 5 minutes ago and already dreading it ! I don't know what 'add me' is, but I'm looking for support too.
  • SheaHF
    SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
    I love this thread. I need more MFPs! I used MFP after my first baby and it was really great and helpful. I have two kids now and need to get healthy again. I want to lose 20 pounds, have two kids, and would love more MFP busy mom friends! Let's do this! :)
  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    36 here, mom of 2 and need to lose another 45lbs, I already got the first 10lbs down that's 18% of my goal so just need to keep pushing and more motivators/friends wouldn't hurt!