
Hi all, ive been silly and miscalculated my calories for wraps i eat alot of the time therefore gone over my calories alot! I usually have a treat at the weekend then save calories the following week but its not usually alot. I have redone my food log and im currently over my weekly calorie goal by 89 calories if i save these calories tomorrow will it balance itself out? I hope this makes sense and teaches others a lesson that even if you eat the same things weekly STILL check the calories on the back of the packet


  • IrishGirlVA
    Well, let me ask you this -- have you still been losing having those extra 89 calories? If so, then why change what is working? Especially since 89 calories is really not much in the scheme of things.

    I miscalculated by 200 calories not too long ago and I actually lost more weight that week. So I upped my daily calorie goal and have been losing steadily. So this miscalculation might actually be a GOOD thing! :smile: