Anyone here trying to get back into shape after an injury?



  • nellielovescupcakes
    I'm back up to my normal workouts (for the most part) but it took me almost 8 months to get here. I am worried to push myself like I did before but ultimately I have learned to let pain be my guide. I slowly raised my workouts duration and intensity. I would just start slow, build yourself up slowly and just know that if you did even a couple more minutes on any given day or week then it's an improvement. The depression I fell into was awful, I just told myself that I need to have more good days than bad. Also winters were the worst. I started with aquatics training because the pain was so bad and slowly it subsided, but I feel for you's so hard to stay positive when you're in pain, and any pain that is chronic is mentally and emotionally taxing. It is hard to work towards that goal and remain patient but try a mantra, this was what my primary care physician said to me (I probably said it to myself at least 100 times a day and still do)...the body, given enough time, will almost always heal itself...I know you will get there too @CathieCats61‌. Thanks @MikeSanchez2323‌ for your advice!!
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    I'm 3 months post knee surgery, and its depressing not being able to workout hard. I went on a calorie deficit a month before surgery and still am eating below maintenance, in order to maintain or even lose a little weight. And i'm just following the doctors orders exactly and easing back into exercise. set goals, and stick to the plan you create to get to those goals.
  • cammythom
    I am returning after a knee menisectomy 3/2013 which resulted in rapid onset arthritis in the medial joint and then a high tibial osteotomy 7/2014 to realign the leg to take the stress off the knee. I gained about 15 lbs and became out of shape over the 2 years I was injured. I find my confidence is returning as I get stronger. PT taught me what to do to strengthen the joint and I have continued with those exercises on my own since a finished PT in November. I find crosstraining in doctor approved activities helpful. I am not supposed to run, but by doing a combination of cycling, elliptical and walking that I can do an hour plus workout. I really listen to my body, a little soreness is ok, but pain that effects stride or loss of form is not. If I find myself fatiguing during an exercise session for example walking (realigning the leg makes this common) then I switch to cycling or elliptical to finish the session.

    Feeling pretty positive now, but I did have some rough times. During PT a particularly rough exercise session or two would make me fear that I was never going to make it back to where I used to be or that my knee would just deteriorate more. I just keep perservering and feel more confident and positive as I get my strength, endurance and fitness back.