seeking accountability partner

Want to loose 60lbs by sept..I know in order to do so..I need help...I'm new at all of this..but realize I can succeed with encouragement and most of all..some to help keep me stay on target..


  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    I don't have to loose that much but I'm here for u if u need motivational friends if I didn't have friends on here I don't think I could have come as far as I have already. Plz add me!!
  • beeleeve2014
    beeleeve2014 Posts: 30
    edited January 2015
    I want to lose 75 lbs by September or October! I am definitely in need of someone to motivate me to work out! We can do this(:
  • krcmrx06
    krcmrx06 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks to both of you. Lets make this a fun journey to a healthier lifestyle ;)
  • lousexton1970
    lousexton1970 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just getting started here. I lost 30 pounds with this site once upon a time. After the holidays and a brief illness, I have gained 10 of that back. I am looking to loose a total of 15 pounds and don't seem to be doing very good. I could use an accountability partner as well. Sent a few friends request. Add me please. :) TY
  • bcm8605
    bcm8605 Posts: 14
    I definitely need help I need to lose about the same in that time frame add me please!
  • sari_endipity08
    sari_endipity08 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm in the same boat ladies! Want to lose this baby weight and hen some. Have about 60lbs to lose as well. Add me and we can keep each other motivated and on track! :smile:
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    You're more than welcome to add me if you have an open diary and plan to be an active user.

    If you'll humor a recommendation.....

    One thing that REALLY worked for me was going through the forums and finding people who have found success. Having fit, knowledgeable people as MFP Pals has been a tremendous help over the months since I have been able to leverage their knowledge based on what worked for them. Having other new users as friends is great for morale, but there is a huge knowledge base here that you should also try and tap into.