WTH? I'm a pound heavier than I was yesterday?

mrchantele123 Posts: 51
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Is it because I went over my protein? It's never happened to me before when I was still following my diet, now it has happened I am a bit worried now. I think I need to stop weighing myself so obsessively, maybe I should just do it every half a week; I don't suppose I'd be able to hold out an entire week with out knowing how much I weigh...

How often do you weigh yourself? Does your weight flacutate while you're dieting too?


  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    I weigh myself obsessively..like everytime I walk by the scale. lol. But I know that weight fluctuates several lbs within a day. I am happy if the differences are within 5lbs.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Wellll.. since my scale hasn't disappeared yet, I've been weighing myself a lot.

    Here's what I've learned about me:

    I'm heavier in the morning than I am at night. Which is the complete opposite of most people. I can fluctuate up to 5lbs during a day. As long as I am back down to 150lbs (or even 151) by night time I am good.

    Certain foods make me retain water. If I eat them, I take that into account.

    I TRY to not obsess. As long as I'm in my "range" (148-153) I'm good -- and I know it is "normal".
  • Jtaime
    Jtaime Posts: 12
    also if your working out, as you gain muscle mass ur wieght will go up u wont see any actual weight loss till it compensates
  • kristidann
    kristidann Posts: 42
    It's most likely water weight. Your body can fluctuate up to five pounds in water weight alone. I would suggest waiting longer between weigh ins. Good luck! : )
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Don't panic!!! Your weight fluctuates hugely depending on the time of day, day of week, how late you ate, what you ate, wether you need the loo or not lol!
    There are so many reasons it's unreal and I doubt it's anything to do with eating carbs!

    You should choose a day and use that as your officially weigh on day, once a week at the same time!

    I'm forever on the scales, literally everytime I go to the loo or bath the kids etc but I only pay real attention to my official weigh in figure as that's the most accurate
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    im terrible for weighing myself, sometimes 3 times a day and always different, in fact i went on this morning (before bathroom then after ) and i was 2 lb heavier!!!!!! i cant help myself going on them and always dissapointed. i need to just go on once a week to stop depressing myself. we all know that if our diet has been followed we cant gain, it will be water retention etc.
  • Kelleinna
    Kelleinna Posts: 160
    Don't weigh yourself more than once a day. I usually do it first thing in the morning. And sometimes it's up one, sometimes it's down one... you have to just take that in stride. Weigh every day, but pick one day a week to actually write the number on your calendar or a piece of paper or something. If, after a few weeks, you see that the numbers for whatever day you picked (I use Saturday) are generally trending downward, it's a lot easier to accept the daily fluctuations.
  • c4vicious
    c4vicious Posts: 8
    Water weight and glycogen stores can make your weight fluctuate. They can also make it seem as though you aren't losing weight for periods of time despite a significant calorie deficit. You shouldn't change anything about your diet or exercise routine until your weight has stalled for at least two weeks, assuming a calorie deficit has been maintained.
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I weigh daily in the morning. I know I shouldn't, but that's me. Some days I'm up a pound or 2, other days I'm down. I look at the overall weight loss, and don't stress over a pound or two. (Certainly like the down days better.) My weight is gradually going in the right direction, although painfully slow some weeks.
  • sbowmann
    sbowmann Posts: 9
    Taylor is my arch nemesis (brand of scale - Ha!)

    My scale itself can fluctuate, even though it's digital. I can weigh myself, and then a few minutes later, get a different number. No biggie.

    I decided early on, that first thing Monday morning would be my "official" time, and that any other weigh in would just be for my curiosity. While I'm curious often, once a week is enough for logging.

    For me, this is a lifestyle change, and change takes time.
  • I weigh myself once a week...haven't had a working scale at home for over a year and I refuse to buy another, not out of denial but for my own sanity. I also measure every 6 weeks to see if the inches are coming off.
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