diabetic breakfasts



  • actually my husbands not taking insulin, so there is no shooting up

    do what you will ......

    I'm guessing that reading and comprehending isn't your strong suit.

    That's why I said, "and eventually insulin if not already on it.".

    And THANKS!! ... I will do eXactly what I want to do. And that has lead to truly NORMAL blood sugars .. not diabetic normal blood sugars.
  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    scrambled eggs with stevia, cinnamon and peanut butter (banana optional) is a good protein and fat rich breakfast and also conveniently super tasty.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    My general breakfast advice is - "Breakfast food" is a myth invented by Kelloggs to sell cereals. Eat whatever you want. I have been eating spicy chilli tuna and cottage cheese on crackers recently, sometimes I have a sandwich, or leftovers from dinner. Once you get out of the mindset that your first meal has to be "breakfast food" the possibilities are endless.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    fish2find wrote: »
    fish2find wrote: »
    I was recently diagnosed as diabetic, Im still learning and exploring. My typical breakfast is boring but works well for me.
    1 cup cheerios
    1/2 cup non fat milk
    1 small banana
    1 toast Eureka Baking Company - Organic Top Seed

    Some days I add 1 tbsp Trader Joes - Unsweetened, Salted , Creamy Peanut Butter

    I switch out the banana for apples (with cinnamon) sometimes.

    Once a week I do 2 poached eggs and toast with the milk. (My bonus meal) shoots the cholesterol totals off the charts. I feel all rebellious, LOL

    That's almost a whole day's worth of carbs in one meal.

    It reflects only 67 of my 267 allowed? I rarely go over any of the set numbers. Should I be lower than what MFP has set?

    267 does seem a little high. My doctor (a certified diabetic educator) gave me a max of 180 at 300 lb. Are you seeing a GP or internist, or someone who specializes in diabetes care? If your doctor has signed off on that many carbs, then go for it. They know you better than we do.

  • scarygirl001
    scarygirl001 Posts: 6 Member
    thanks all for all the suggestions, i too keep carbs low, doctor told me they were my drug of choice so to keep them minimal , but i will try some of the suggestions and soldier on with this weight loss goal!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Small steak or hamburger with some broccoli --- perfect breakfast.
  • Jennifero1974
    Jennifero1974 Posts: 9 Member
    Roda rose.. that is a great breakfast lets throw some mushroom and onions with swiss.. it sounds great anytime of day..
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    fish2find wrote: »
    fish2find wrote: »
    I was recently diagnosed as diabetic, Im still learning and exploring. My typical breakfast is boring but works well for me.
    1 cup cheerios
    1/2 cup non fat milk
    1 small banana
    1 toast Eureka Baking Company - Organic Top Seed

    Some days I add 1 tbsp Trader Joes - Unsweetened, Salted , Creamy Peanut Butter

    I switch out the banana for apples (with cinnamon) sometimes.

    Once a week I do 2 poached eggs and toast with the milk. (My bonus meal) shoots the cholesterol totals off the charts. I feel all rebellious, LOL

    That's almost a whole day's worth of carbs in one meal.

    It reflects only 67 of my 267 allowed? I rarely go over any of the set numbers. Should I be lower than what MFP has set?

    That seems like a VERY high number.

    I am not even diabetic (pre-diabetic, but current A1C=5.0), but I really can't go over 100G/day. Everybody is different, but the lower your carb intake, the easier it may be to manage the issue over time. Some people can get away with consuming a lot of carbs, but they are also taking more insulin and oral meds.

    It's worth double checking with your doctor and nutritionist to figure out if that is the right number for you.

    Be especially careful about bananas--they have tons of carbs and are really high on the glycemic index. They are probably the worst fruit you could be eating as a diabetic. Cherries or berries would be much better for you.

    I'm not usually a proponent of weighing produce, but you might want to weigh your bananas--a large banana can have as many as 40G carbs all by itself, so precise measurement becomes important.

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    fish2find wrote: »
    Im kind of surprised that like five folks assume Ive gone rogue with my diabetes? I do indeed consult with my doctor and she has been extremely happy with the results Ive shown since mid December.
    My daily fastings have decreased dramatically and Ive lost 35 pounds in about 45 days. Im walking 2 to 4 miles a day and making progress.
    Why callsitlikeiseeit feels she needs to come yelling and down talking is beyond me.
    Im not saying im right, I dont know it all. But what Im doing is working and working well. Im 46 and never has a diet worked for me until now. I offer my feed back to help others, but NOT to get yelled at.
    I do appreciate the input, and do want to learn. Thats why Im here. If you need to yell and down talk folks expect to see another side of me. Or not see me at all.

    Losing weight is the best way to get diabetes under control.
    Congrats on the weight loss and on following your plan. :D:)

    For most people, that many carbs is too much. I almost screeched when I saw that number mentioned in your first post and had to go through the whole thread to read that you lost weight.
    You are an inspiration. B)