Felling like a failure (need some help)

KayaD Posts: 65
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I am on day 7 of the 30 day shred, about 3 days in my foot started to hurt, I just thought it was because I wasn't used to working out, since then it's got progressively worse, now today I tried to do my workout and I just cannot put weight on it, I get a huge shooting pain in my foot, above the arch that doesn't feel like a pulled muscle so I have no idea what I've done but anyway, I had to stop :( I've been doing so well and then this, I tried to carry on through it but just couldn't :(

Are there any cardio exercises that I could do without hurting my foot? I plan on doing some ab exercises, weights and my pilates later instead but anything else would be great, Thanks.


  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I can understand how that must be getting you down especially if you are feeling so determined to do it, whatever you do, just don't aggravate your problem even more, you have tried and it's not working and it's obviously an injury which needs some time to heal, see how you go doing other things for a few days and then try again, you have not failed at all and you are still wanting to do other exercise which is great and you can always go back to it again when your foot is feeling better.

    Sorry I can't offer any exercise advice but I just wanted to give you some moral support!! :)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Feet are pretty essential to most cardio, I think you have to rest it, sorry.
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi hun i know how you feel. im on day 17 of the shred and broke my toe yesterday, still managed it today though by changing a couple of the exercises so i wasnt putting weight or stress on my foot. You could always try that so your foot isnt getting any impact. For the cardio part instead of jumping around i squated and did the punches (just an idea). it also sounds like you may have torn a tendon in your foot, i did that last winter and took 8 weeks to fully heal. Hope your ok and find a good happy balance with your exercises :smile:
  • scotpiper
    scotpiper Posts: 1 Member
    Might suggest something in the water, if you have access to a pool. You can try local community pools as well. Swimming is great exercise and it uses little of the foot in the way most other cardios do.
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Don't feel bad! Your not a failure at all!
    I would suggest you rest it for 2/3 days chance are you will feel a million times better and you'll be able to get back into the DVD
  • KayaD
    KayaD Posts: 65
    thanks, I just feel awful now... the first time I'm really motivated to do it and I just couldn't, I got to the first set of squat and press and even that hurt, it's above the arch of my foot and it's like a shooting pain. :( This is the last thing I needed when I was already feeling bad about not losing much. Oh and, I can't swim :blushing:
  • ehilgeman
    ehilgeman Posts: 45
    Sorry you're having to go through this - tough to get all geared up for something and then not be able to complete your goal. A few thoughts on exercises: Someone else mentioned swimming. That's a great one. There are also arm-based cardio machines in most gyms (you grab handles and circle your arms), as well as rowing machines that you could do without using your foot. If you don't have a gym membership try a bunch of different kinds of punches on a bag or sack of rice, etc. (with gloves!) It may not be as good a workout as the Shred, but will keep you moving while you heal, and believe me, Jillian Michaels does not go away. She will still be there once your foot is better.
  • funkythreads2004
    funkythreads2004 Posts: 51 Member
    How about a nice swimming session
  • LilyBugsMommy
    LilyBugsMommy Posts: 109 Member
    Hi there,

    I know you said you can't swim but if you aren't scared of the water maybe you could do shallow end aquafit?
    Or maybe a stationary bike? I don't bike so I am not sure hOw much pressure would be on your foot?
    I do like aquafit and you wouldn't have to put a lot of pressure on your foot.
    Good luck!
  • KayaD
    KayaD Posts: 65
    I can't swim :blushing: I work out at home as I don't have a gym membership, it just sucks to be so willing and ready and motivated then not being able to.
  • Rest that foot!! Maybe see a medical proffesional? I hope your foot gets better soon and don't beat yourself up. Yopu will be able to continue in the future and in the meantime just do what you can...KEEP your chin up!!
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Chances are it'll only be a couple of days and your foot will be ok!
    I did something similar a couple of weeks back when training for 5k run on a treadmill. It hurt to walk/run even move so I rested and it's right as rain now!
    Just a minor set back Hun, don't be too disheartened!
  • KayaD
    KayaD Posts: 65
    Chances are it'll only be a couple of days and your foot will be ok!
    I did something similar a couple of weeks back when training for 5k run on a treadmill. It hurt to walk/run even move so I rested and it's right as rain now!
    Just a minor set back Hun, don't be too disheartened!

    thanks. It just sucks :( I'm beating myself up over it because it's called the 30 day shred for a reason you know?!
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    I know that, but it certainly doesn't factor in injury.
    If your that worried start from the beginning next week and do the 30 days from there.
    Or carry on doing it it's upto you, Unfortunatly there isn't much you can do without your foot that people haven't already suggested!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I get a pain in my arch sometimes and it helps to massage it. You can also try using a soup can - lay it on the floor, then roll it back and forth under your foot.

    Are you wearing shoes when you work out? If so, maybe you need to replace them with something that gives a little more arch support? If not, maybe you might think about wearing some shoes??

    Just some suggestions - don't give up!! Keep trying things until you find a solution!
  • teresaq1
    teresaq1 Posts: 53
    My husband experienced some foot pain while dieting due to a lack of pottasium. If you didn't actually injure your foot, you may want to look into that.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Sorry, but you have no choice but to rest it until it's healed.

    Are you working out barefoot? You might find that getting fitted for proper training shoes will help prevent a recurrence.

    I know how frustrating it must be, but the 30 day shred is very punishing on the body. Virtually every other fitness programme tells you to rest for a day between workouts and I'm far from convinced that a beginner working out every day is taking care of their joints.

    Are you aware that you do not need to be able to swim to be able to take part in an aquarobics session?

    Or, take this opportunity to go learn to swim? No weight on your foot and it would be a lifelong skill you will have gained. You might save someone's life one day - or your own! :)
  • KayaD
    KayaD Posts: 65
    Sorry, but you have no choice but to rest it until it's healed.

    Are you working out barefoot? You might find that getting fitted for proper training shoes will help prevent a recurrence.

    I know how frustrating it must be, but the 30 day shred is very punishing on the body. Virtually every other fitness programme tells you to rest for a day between workouts and I'm far from convinced that a beginner working out every day is taking care of their joints.

    Are you aware that you do not need to be able to swim to be able to take part in an aquarobics session?

    Or, take this opportunity to go learn to swim? No weight on your foot and it would be a lifelong skill you will have gained. You might save someone's life one day - or your own! :)

    I did the shred, it hurt but by the end it was manageable! I couldn't not do it, I felt guilty :ohwell:
  • BetterJenny
    BetterJenny Posts: 50
    I can't swim :blushing: I work out at home as I don't have a gym membership, it just sucks to be so willing and ready and motivated then not being able to.

    What if you were to enlist a friend (free) to teach you? It's great exercise, it wont hurt your foot (may actually speed healing) and even though you can't do the 30DS right now, you'll still get some sense of accomplishment by learning something that's both new AND useful. Other than that, there's lots of workouts you can try that wont require much of your foot. There's a lot of yoga routines you can do from a kneeling or sitting position. Or, if the pain it towards the front of your foot, what about a gentle cycle?

    In the meantime, I'd definitely suggest using the RICE method (rest, ice, compression and elevation). If the pain continues, then see your dr. I have posterior tibial tendonitis in my right foot and it causes a LOT of pain if I'm on them too long. I have to have custom made orthotic inserts for my shoes. Expensive, but worth it to be pain free.

    Hope you heal quickly!
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