Any swimmers out there?!?!



  • Beckapedia4514
    Beckapedia4514 Posts: 19 Member
    I dont really time myself. I swim the length of my pool as many times as I can until I am panting and then push myself to do one more. Then I rest and do leg kicks while hanging onto the edge.
  • Beckapedia4514
    Beckapedia4514 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow did a water jogging class today. My calves haven't burned this much since I ran drills in high school.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I swim too. I'm still learning to swim on top of the water. As a kid ya know ya always swam under....

    I'm thinking of getting a snorkel so I can focus on my kick without flailing to breathe. I love my flippers.
    I have fractures in my back so its prob not something I'll ever be fabulous at.... But who knows.
  • Tamois
    Tamois Posts: 64 Member
    That water jogging sounds amazing Becka! Reckon I might sign up for a water aerobics class to see what it's like. Good for you Elise swimming with your injuries. I have severe osteoarthritis and ligament damage in my knee which needs a replacement so swimming is the ideal exercise as I'm sure you know. Hehe, and we're so opposite! I loathe getting my face wet and you hate it getting dry - very funny! Hope you find a good stroke and manage to get your breathing sorted!
  • weaverchick
    weaverchick Posts: 3 Member
    You can look online and find a lot of training programs that provide a mix of activities. Like do many laps of sprint intervals broken up by sets of a mix of strokes. This can help metro it interesting as well as help you build both speed and endurance.
  • Peanut_321
    Peanut_321 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello there! So I am not sure if you still want some more swim workouts Becka but here is a great site that has some sample pool workouts that I do during the winter. (Or whenever I can get in).

    There are also a lot of water polo drills that are great to use in the water. For example, kicking underneath you for the whole length of the pool with your hands up in the air. (It would be a side to side kick and you are vertical in the water. I hope that makes sense.)

    Also, I recommend Water Aerobics. Why? Just like swimming, it tones the whole body and has the same resistance. So if you can't make it to an aerobic class on land, try a water aerobic class. (I actually live in Texas, so I totally understand, thankfully the gym I work at has a lot of water aerobic classes. So I'm shamelessly plugging in water aerobics here. :smile: )

  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Some of you might like to join the Swimmers! Group on MFP?
  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    An Aqua aerobics class?

    Good luck :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Aqua fitness and Aqua Zumba. Or Aqua Spin, Aqua pole dancing, Aqua Tabata, Aqua boot camp. lol

    I teach Aqua fitness and Aqua Zumba - these are not your grandmother's workouts.
  • I just started a aqua tabata workout this week. Any suggestions would be helpful. Also how do I count it in myfitnesspal ? I just log under water aerobics, but I feel it should be more