Feeling Lost...Oh, and PCOS??

I've been the fat kid my whole life, and being a girl, it always seemed harder. I'm not saying my struggles are more important than everyone else's, but I had always just been told that if ikept getting bigger, I would never get a boyfriend and so on. I've been on tons of diets and plans and have never stuck with any of them. Now, nearing the age of 24 here in a few weeks :p , I am close to 400 lbs. I have PCOS, which I have never fully been educated about, only that I know or it's apparently tougher for people with PCOS to lose weight. I've done research here and there about it, but I mostly try to avoid thinking about it just like how I've always tried to avoid the fact that I'm fat. While that hasn't been of any help to myself, I want to start from scratch and hopefully gain some support, knowledge, and just gets some opinions from people that may know what they're doing and incite about what to do in general when it comes to kick starting my weight loss journey and keeping with it. I get frustrated not seeing results right away and that's one of my biggest things. But, at the end of it, and to keep me going, I tell myself that it's taken me 23 years to get this big, it's not gonna melt off immediately over night with a couple trips to the gym and giving up after not seeing results I want. With that being said, I'm also unsure how this whole app and online thing specifically here works exactly either. :/ Anyways, I hope to get a conversation going, meet some new people, and help motivate one another! -Miriam


  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    Hey there! I know how you feel, I always figured I'd be single the rest of my life if I stayed fat. My cousin has PCOS, and it's not a lot of fun. Hit me up if you need some support!
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there, you have the right attitude so I'm sure you will succeed. Take it one day at a time, log everything accurately with food scales if possible and try and do some light, structured exercise a couple of times a week to begin with. I will add you, I am new to this too but if you need to talk at all don't hesitate to send me a msg :smiley:
  • NurseCU
    NurseCU Posts: 122 Member
    I have known I've had PCOS for about 3 1/2 years now, it all started with my periods stopping. I also have hypothyroidism for the past 9 years. My doc put me on Metformin and my periods became more regular, and I lost about 20 pounds and have steadily stayed around 210 for the past few years (I swear the metformin shed the weight because I didnt change any eating or exercise habits). I've recently started trying to loose weight again, and have lost 7.5 pounds in the last 3 weeks. Weight loss can be done with PCOS, but it does take dedication and commitment to eating healthy and being active. I've found that my body appreciates less carbs, and I just feel yucky if I eat a pasta dish, so we limit pasta in my house. If I can do it you can do it! Please feel free to add me as your friend, and we can help each other out along the way!

    "Inch by inch, life is a cinch. Yard by yard, life is hard"
  • Hi Miriam! I totally relate to your story- I just turned 25, and am a grad student. I've struggled with my weight my whole life, and while I haven't let it hold me back I'm at the point where I'm ready to be healthy for me. I also just started getting tested for endocrine disorders...including PCOS. The support is great here! Good luck!!
  • Hello! I've had PCOS since I was 19. I'm 24 now. It's definitely harder to lose weight but it's not impossible. I'm on Metformin. And it's helped so much. No soda, no sweets, and no fast food has worked for me. And little bits of exersise. I've dropped 14 pounds the last 3 weeks. Don't give up! You can do it!
  • jotianaw
    jotianaw Posts: 19 Member
    I never knew so many ppl had PCOS I thought I was abnormal. Dealing with it is challenging.
  • NurseCU wrote: »
    I have known I've had PCOS for about 3 1/2 years now, it all started with my periods stopping. I also have hypothyroidism for the past 9 years. My doc put me on Metformin and my periods became more regular, and I lost about 20 pounds and have steadily stayed around 210 for the past few years (I swear the metformin shed the weight because I didnt change any eating or exercise habits). I've recently started trying to loose weight again, and have lost 7.5 pounds in the last 3 weeks. Weight loss can be done with PCOS, but it does take dedication and commitment to eating healthy and being active. I've found that my body appreciates less carbs, and I just feel yucky if I eat a pasta dish, so we limit pasta in my house. If I can do it you can do it! Please feel free to add me as your friend, and we can help each other out along the way!

    "Inch by inch, life is a cinch. Yard by yard, life is hard"

    Oh wow that's so refreshing! !! I really want to change for the better. I feel more positive know after reading what you wrote. Thank you!

    And are you from Colorado? ?
  • Jelise143
    Jelise143 Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi! I have PCOS with insulin resistance and hypothyroidism as well. I've sent you a friend request...are you taking any medications to help with the PCOS symptoms? Metformin has helped me control my insulin levels, but in my case, has not helped with weight loss. Some people seem to have weight loss success with it though. Other things you might want to research are chromium picolinate, cinnamon, and inositol. I've found that I am able to lose weight if I follow a low glycemic index diet and keep my carbohydrates low...but weight loss is slow (as is expected with PCOS), but it is not impossible. You got this!!

    There is also a PCOS group on MFP that you might be interested in joining...


    ETA - Anyone is free to add me :)
  • hydrae
    hydrae Posts: 1
    They say 1 in 10 women have PCOS, so you're definitely not alone. I'm afraid I can't be of too much help since I'm just starting out here myself, but there is some overwhelming evidence that the keto diet (hi fat and protein, lo/no carb) works wonders for women with PCOS. I would encourage you to look into it and see what you think. Personally, I think the possible outcomes are amazing, but first I need to redirect my eating habits to be healthier in general before I do a complete overhaul keto style.
  • I'm having a hard time, for whatever reason, to "quote" or reply to anyone individually, as my phone isn't allowing me to do that or even go directly to someone's specific page and friend request anyone that hasn't tried to already add me already because I would like to add the lot of you. Haha.
  • pamelatoews
    pamelatoews Posts: 7 Member
    I have pcos and recently put on metformin add me I would like some people that know what it's like... That if you cheat just a little one day that's your weeks work. I am tired if being fat my kids don't need this as their example.
  • That also wasn't my entire post that ended up posting, so idk what's up there either! Agh! Anyways, I had mentioned that I from CO, but wasn't sure if that was directed at me or not...? I am currently not on any meds because I don't have insurance...even though it's mandatory. I don't have a full time job and I don't have the funds to be paying for "cheap" insurance. I don't know when the last time I went to the doctor was but I'm sure my body is all kinds of a mess. And with PCOS, I'm sure it's even worse than what I know or am aware. :/
  • jaenetty37
    jaenetty37 Posts: 24 Member
    I don't have PCOS as a diagnosis but have some of the symptoms. I really have a hard time losing weight. I need to lose about 100+ I would love to partner with y'all. I am always in need of encouragement. I have a super busy sched with work, school and husband/family but I am trying really hard to balance everything. So please keep me in mind if you are looking for accountability/encouragement. :smiley:
  • I have PCOS and understand the frustration. Feel free to add me, but I am still just trying to figure out how to take weight off and KEEP it off. :)
  • My phone is still being a pain in the butt! But anyone willing or allowing me to add them as their friend, could you please just add me? Haha. I would love to connect with everyone whether it be for support or for an in depth conversation about our PCOS situation or weight loss journey in general! As I've said, there must be some sort of glitch maybe in this app and my phone that isn't letting me click on your name to get to your page to add you! I am definitely not opposed to the idea of anyone adding me, in fact, I encourage it on many levels of reason. Haha. So, son be shy and go ahead and add me until I can figure an alternative route to your page that isn't clicking on your name in this forum which is what isn't allowing me to head over to your pages. Dx Okay, haha. Enough with the redundantness that is this paragraph! :)