Loose skin/Wrinkles in my boobs

Hey, I have wrinkles on my boobs and my boobs are like half empty.. I have been losing weight but people are telling me to stop as Im losing it too quick/ Becoming underweight. I'm 5 ft 0, 18 years old, 95 Pounds, I would like to build muscle instead of lose weight now and I need some help/information on it. How many calories should I be eating? What exercises could I do? and anything else I should know, or do. Thanks so much for you help.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You should be eating at least 1550-1750 to maintain at your height with a medium level of activity-more if you're more active!
    Don't lose anymore-you are very nearly underweight!
    You would definitely benifit from strength training. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will chime in.
  • You should be eating at least 1550-1750 to maintain at your height with a medium level of activity-more if you're more active!
    Don't lose anymore-you are very nearly underweight!
    You would definitely benifit from strength training. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will chime in.
    Thanks a lot, Are you sure that calorie amount is right/? Because calculators give me 1,100.
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    1100 seems a bit low to me and I'm saying that as someone who is exactly your height and weight. I'm 40 years old/sedentary and I need 1400 to maintain. You, at 18 years old, would need 100 more I would think. So, 1500 is a good guess for you. If you're actively exercising, you'll need to add even more.

    As to your original question, if your goal is to gain muscle, you'll need to eat at a surplus and lift weights and/or do some resistance exercises. Browse the bodybuilding forums on bulking.
  • pmanney
    pmanney Posts: 25 Member
    I am neither a nutritionist nor a doctor, but I'll share some general guidelines that have helped me, plus an observation. Firstly, depending on your frame size, 100 is near your ideal weight, and you are below that. You should, therefore, not be dieting to lose weight, but watching what you eat to control it.

    Why do you want to lose weight? Talk to your doctor or a trusted health professional about your reasons: make sure you are not chasing an unrealistic and unhealthy self-image. That's common to many people today, and seems especially so with younger people. I cannot stress this enough. My wife turns 61 this year, and shows her age--she's no longer, physically, the cutie I married. Her personality, however, gets better, and lasts--concentrate on that aspect of yourself.

    When eating--whether dieting or maintaining a healthy weight--follow a balanced diet. I keep some simple rules in mind: "The closer to the farm, the better" (for example, eating fresh fruit is better than a fruit roll-up) and--for carbohydrates, "White is bad, brown is better" ( whole wheat is better than refined flour), and "half green" (half the plate should consist of fruits and vegetables.) Severely limit junk food (I told my doctor that his proposed diet for me should be summed up as, "if it tastes good, spit it out". My Fitness Pal and other resources will guide you. Ensure, however, that the eating plan you follow has real science behind it, and is not the latest fad.

    Exercising is a great idea. I don't care for it, am klutzy, and not good at sports. However, I found I really enjoyed dirtbike riding, and never noticed I was getting the exercise. Have fun.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You are underweight. Your expressed desire to lose more (in multiple now deleted threads) shows an unhealthy goal and mindset. Yesterday you admitted to eating under 600 calories plus exercising over 30 minutes per day.

    Every thread you start results in the same replies before it gets deleted. Get help. Setting a 1 pound per week deficit at your current weight is unhealthy. Eating under 600 calories per day is disordered thinking and eating.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    How many different login names are you going to use to start new threads after you get told things you don't want to hear? nadiabear1, nadiabear12, nadiabear14, xxnadiaxx123 ... all with ED related threads ... all with unhealthy approaches to loss ... one where a weight loss group refused to let you join because "No offence nadia but I'm not going to add you because I don't think our goals or mindset correlate and your daily allowance is far too low" ... a thread started by you advocating 600 calories per day ... lost period for four months

    You need to get help.



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    How many different login names are you going to use to start new threads after you get told things you don't want to hear? nadiabear1, nadiabear12, nadiabear14, xxnadiaxx123 ... all with ED related threads ... all with unhealthy approaches to loss ... one where a weight loss group refused to let you join because "No offence nadia but I'm not going to add you because I don't think our goals or mindset correlate and your daily allowance is far too low" ... a thread started by you advocating 600 calories per day ... lost period for four months

    You need to get help.




    I was just looking at the history, as this one sounded familiar.
    OP, you need to get some help!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Wrinkles? At age 18?

    A gentle salt scrub once or twice a week and some good moisturizer can help tighten things up a bit.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    You are underweight. Your expressed desire to lose more (in multiple now deleted threads) shows an unhealthy goal and mindset. Yesterday you admitted to eating under 600 calories plus exercising over 30 minutes per day.

    Every thread you start results in the same replies before it gets deleted. Get help. Setting a 1 pound per week deficit at your current weight is unhealthy. Eating under 600 calories per day is disordered thinking and eating.

    Okay so this is the poster I remember. I knew the user name seemed familiar.

    You need help. That is the only advice I'll give because I refuse to support eating disorders.
  • Why are people commenting about me having an eating disorder and that I only eat 600 calories. I already said I'm starting to eat more . At the moment I'm aiming for 1,200. I said I want to build muscle not lose more weight so can people stop commenting about me having an eating disorder? Because Ive been talking to my sisters about it & they told me I need to eat more so I am. (So I can build muscle)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Why are people commenting about me having an eating disorder and that I only eat 600 calories. I already said I'm starting to eat more . At the moment I'm aiming for 1,200. I said I want to build muscle not lose more weight so can people stop commenting about me having an eating disorder? Because Ive been talking to my sisters about it & they told me I need to eat more so I am. (So I can build muscle)

    Anorexia is not the only eating disorder. Your earlier thread, you were stating you had a lot of fat to lose. Body Dysmorphia runs under ED, and a professional would have to help you out.
  • malibu927 wrote: »
    Why are people commenting about me having an eating disorder and that I only eat 600 calories. I already said I'm starting to eat more . At the moment I'm aiming for 1,200. I said I want to build muscle not lose more weight so can people stop commenting about me having an eating disorder? Because Ive been talking to my sisters about it & they told me I need to eat more so I am. (So I can build muscle)

    Anorexia is not the only eating disorder. Your earlier thread, you were stating you had a lot of fat to lose. Body Dysmorphia runs under ED, and a professional would have to help you out.

    Yeah I still am fat, I have a lot of loose skin which looks like fat but its just empty skin, (Why i want to start strengh training) In the early beginning of my weight loss I was lifting weights & had nice toned arms but I stopped & the skin is all lose.
    I only did jillian michaels 30 day shred. Do you think something like that would still work?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You need to eat more than 1200 if you want to build muscle. Change your goals to gain .5lb/wk. Start a lifting program, like Stronglifts 5x5. Make sure you get enough protein while also hitting your other macros. What other exercises do you do? Log them and eat the calories back.
  • Delilahhhhhh
    Delilahhhhhh Posts: 477 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    How many different login names are you going to use to start new threads after you get told things you don't want to hear? nadiabear1, nadiabear12, nadiabear14, xxnadiaxx123 ... all with ED related threads ... all with unhealthy approaches to loss ... one where a weight loss group refused to let you join because "No offence nadia but I'm not going to add you because I don't think our goals or mindset correlate and your daily allowance is far too low" ... a thread started by you advocating 600 calories per day ... lost period for four months

    You need to get help.




    I was just looking at the history, as this one sounded familiar.
    OP, you need to get some help!

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Why are people commenting about me having an eating disorder and that I only eat 600 calories. I already said I'm starting to eat more . At the moment I'm aiming for 1,200. I said I want to build muscle not lose more weight so can people stop commenting about me having an eating disorder? Because Ive been talking to my sisters about it & they told me I need to eat more so I am. (So I can build muscle)

    Because within the last two days you posted about wanting to eat 600 calories so you could lose more weight (the same claim of wanting to go lower than your current weight you've made for months). Aiming for 1200 is still unhealthy at your current weight. Don't give us this your BMR is 1100 stuff again because 1. unless you have significant metabolic damage with the necessary medical testing to prove it, you BMR is higher, 2. BMR is not the number from which a deficit is calculated, and 3. YOU DON'T NEED TO LOSE ANY MORE WEIGHT SINCE YOU ARE ALREADY UNDERWEIGHT!!

    You state here that you don't have an eating disorder ... months of actions illustrated by posts under multiple screen names show you probably do (nobody here can diagnose you, but all of the signs you need specialized medical help are there). The desire to lose weight although already underweight ... an indicator. The extreme defensiveness on the subject ... an indicator. The self image issues ... an indicator. Lost period ... an indicator. Taking diet advice from pro-ana sites (including putting their diet plan on your MFP blog in the past) ... an indicator. Binging ... an indicator. Previous threads you created closed for violating the "No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders" rule ... an indicator. Expressed apathy towards continued life ... an indicator of severe underlying issues beyond just disordered eating.

    The common, sane reply to you over all of your screen names across all of these months is for you to seek professional help.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Wasn't this deleted before?
  • Why are people commenting about me having an eating disorder and that I only eat 600 calories. I already said I'm starting to eat more . At the moment I'm aiming for 1,200. I said I want to build muscle not lose more weight so can people stop commenting about me having an eating disorder? Because Ive been talking to my sisters about it & they told me I need to eat more so I am. (So I can build muscle)

    Because within the last two days you posted about wanting to eat 600 calories so you could lose more weight (the same claim of wanting to go lower than your current weight you've made for months). Aiming for 1200 is still unhealthy at your current weight. Don't give us this your BMR is 1100 stuff again because 1. unless you have significant metabolic damage with the necessary medical testing to prove it, you BMR is higher, 2. BMR is not the number from which a deficit is calculated, and 3. YOU DON'T NEED TO LOSE ANY MORE WEIGHT SINCE YOU ARE ALREADY UNDERWEIGHT!!

    You state here that you don't have an eating disorder ... months of actions illustrated by posts under multiple screen names show you probably do (nobody here can diagnose you, but all of the signs you need specialized medical help are there). The desire to lose weight although already underweight ... an indicator. The extreme defensiveness on the subject ... an indicator. The self image issues ... an indicator. Lost period ... an indicator. Taking diet advice from pro-ana sites (including putting their diet plan on your MFP blog in the past) ... an indicator. Binging ... an indicator. Previous threads you created closed for violating the "No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders" rule ... an indicator. Expressed apathy towards continued life ... an indicator of severe underlying issues beyond just disordered eating.

    The common, sane reply to you over all of your screen names across all of these months is for you to seek professional help.

    Seriously?? I been asking for advice on strength training & your still saying I have an eating disorder, I rang the doctors this morning and I am eating more, Starting to strength train, Doing cardio and I already feel happier so you can stop saying I still have an eating disorder, Only reason I've had so many accounts is because of getting banned on them.
    But now I know I wont get banned again because I'm actually eating more. My boobs have really made me want to change & realize what I'm doing.
    If I don't know how to build muscle correctly then I wont will i? The reason why I want some advice on it.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I am going to repeat what I said on another ED thread:

    This post will likely come off as rude and abrasive, but it is clear the "nice" tactics have not worked.

    If you choose to continue down this path and don't seek help now, there may be a point in your future that it is no longer your choice to receive help. All 50 states have some form of mental health law that allows them to put individuals into in-patient, locked, psychiatric facilities if they are deemed to be a risk to themselves or to other people. Continuing to starve yourself does make you a risk to yourself, and if gets too extreme, the likelihood of someone stepping in on your behalf, and taking away your rights, increases significantly.

    Please get help now before it is no longer your choice.
  • Omg, People never read anything I say. I'm NOT playing nice! I'm trying to change! people keep bringing that stupid eating disorder crap up.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Heaven forbid people actually read what you've written in the past 48 hours (Your question from Tuesday afternoon was "I want to make a 500 deficit so that is 600 calories a day. If I ate more but made sure I exercised it off would I still lose weight? " ) .. nevermind the months prior. Any time people tell you to eat more than 1200 calories you counter that your online calculators tell you only 1100 ... including in this thread.

    Your actions scream much louder than your meek claims of wanting to lift. In reality, the only person you're not playing nice with is yourself. Your disordered choices don't hurt me or my family ... they hurt you and yours.