Loose skin/Wrinkles in my boobs



  • Heaven forbid people actually read what you've written in the past 48 hours (Your question from Tuesday afternoon was "I want to make a 500 deficit so that is 600 calories a day. If I ate more but made sure I exercised it off would I still lose weight? " ) .. nevermind the months prior. Any time people tell you to eat more than 1200 calories you counter that your online calculators tell you only 1100 ... including in this thread.

    Your actions scream much louder than your meek claims of wanting to lift. In reality, the only person you're not playing nice with is yourself. Your disordered choices don't hurt me or my family ... they hurt you and yours.

    How about 1,500? there. Infact I've already eaten 800 so far today
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    OP asked for answers on how to gain muscle. For OP this is a healthy goal. OP will gain muscle weight, which is good. OP probably does have an ED of some sort, but a thread of this nature sort of points towards progress, so I'll offer a helpful opinion.


    All the calorie calculators in the world are off by some degree except one: Your body. The tools are good and all for a general ballpark, but only your body will be totally accurate, because that's what the calculators are guestimating. If you eat a certain amount of calories and lose weight you're eating at a deficit. If you gain weight you're eating at a surplus. If you do neither, it's maintenance. Let your body tell you what your numbers should be. Right now you need a bit of a surplus.

    Eat more protein. You've locked off your diary, but if you're intending to gain muscle you need protein to feed it. I would say..about double what you're getting now. Maybe triple, but I can't see your diary to say so. You'll also probably want to increase your fat intake. Fat does not make fat. A surplus of calories makes fat.

    You WILL gain weight. This is a good thing. Don't freak out and go crazy cardio lady when it happens. Also, fix your "goal weight". Showing that you need to lose 16 lbs from 96 puts you at 80lbs. It sounds more like a goal weight for starving yourself to death. I would suggest setting your goal weight around 110. It should help fill out your boobs and loose skin a bit. It also won't happen overnight unless you're just packing on fat. Gaining muscle is generally more difficult and takes longer than losing fat. Patience is a virtue.

    As for exercise. GET OUT OF THE GROUP EXERCISE ROOM! And the treadmill and pretty much any other hamster wheel you've been on lately. You CAN NOT build muscle doing cardio. You can build muscular endurance, but very VERY limited muscle gain. Start a lifting program of some sort. If you go with Stronglifts 5x5 you'll have a huge support group on MFP, but it may or may not be the right option for you. There are plenty of other options. Some people go with starting strength, kettlebells, dumbbells, or whatever floats your boat. Walk into the "bro" room and pick up some weights. Figure out what system will work for you, start slow, and work out with weights in a "progressive overload" (please google this term and do some self research). The key to a good lifting program is to A. find something you like doing (or you will quit) and B. do something that works out all of your major, median and minor muscle groups, in that order of focus (or your muscular strength will be imbalanced).

    TL;DR: Eat more. Eat more protein. Gain a little weight. Cut back on the cardio. Increase the weight training. Profit.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    To gain appreciable muscle mass requires a surplus. For you, that means a progressive overload exercise program and over tripling your net caloric intake. 1500 total calories is still a deficit for you at sedentary ... even at your current underweight status.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    The fact you have had other accounts kind of speaks for itself. I am sorry but I can not support an eating disorder.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    It's good that you are looking to gain weight. However, that doesn't mean an eating disorder has disappeared. There are mental reasons as to why you believe you need to lose fat, and only a professional can get to the bottom of that.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Wrinkles? At age 18?

    A gentle salt scrub once or twice a week and some good moisturizer can help tighten things up a bit.

    That's sweet advice but It's not going to help excess fat loss from being underweight and having disordered thinking about food.

    Eat above your maintenance, pick up heavy things and put them down again..and see a medical professional ...you are 18, your life could be so much better than this
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2015
    Omg, People never read anything I say. I'm NOT playing nice! I'm trying to change! people keep bringing that stupid eating disorder crap up.

    Your ticker stillsays your goal is to lose 16lbs

    Go to settings and put your goal to gain 0.5 to 1lbs a week and then eat that many calories whilst following a progressive lifting programme

    Eat protein, fats and carbs

    Get healthy