Struggling to lose last 10 pounds

Hi everyone,

My name is Tui. I am 32 years old n I have a 16 months old. Ive mostly lost my pregnancy weight but stuck with last 10 pounds for a long time. Last week I've watched my food, excersised n drunk enough water still hasn't gone down a single pound. & at times like this I get frustrated n feel like eating. Is anyone out there can suggest me something or guide me in the right path. Thanks :)



  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited January 2015
    When you get close to your goal weight your logging has to be more precise. Do you use a food scale? With out your diary open it will be mostly guesses.
  • BAsInBevin
    BAsInBevin Posts: 23 Member
    Give it three full weeks of diet (around 1200-1500 calories) and exersice without a cheat. If you must have a cheat, make it at the end of the second week. This worked for me. At the end of the third week, I lost about 5 pounds. It seemed like it fell off all at once. ;-)
  • mindybachitt
    i have lost 125 pounds (i was not pregnant, just fat) and i have 10 to go till i hit my goal. i have been on 1200 calories for quite a while. sometimes i can't do exercise for a number of reasons ... either i'm busy with my son (he's 6 and even though i try to get him to do it with me, he's resistant). i walk him to school and then i walk home, about a 15 minute walk each way, and then i walk to pick him up and we walk home. sometimes, i get 15,000 steps a day - but mostly 10-12,000 - and i try to do some exercises when i have free time. my business keeps me extremely busy - but, i have been doing the 1,200 calories ... staying under 50gms carbs and eating at least 85 gms protein. i'm not sure what else i can do. i'm 52 years old, unable to do a lot with my shoulders (2 shoulder surgeries including a tenotomy which means they detached one of the heads of my biceps). basically, i walk and hike and do an occasional barre video. i've been doing this for months, but i got stuck at 156.6 from january 9th until i finally lost a 1.4 pounds the other day. so, here i am at 155.2, and really wanting to get to the 145 mark so i am no longer considered overweight. i know that normal is only a setting on the dryer, but it would be nice to know what that feels like. i am extremely precise in putting down what i eat. every morsel i put in gets written down. i totally get your frustration, and if anyone on here has any more ideas, i would love the hear them too. thanks for listening.