TGyrl - New to the site

TGyrl Posts: 3 Member
Hello, I am new to the site, but hoping to find some support and encouragement in my life changing journey. I am tired of being overweight, and I am tired of being sick and tired.

Its a vicious cycle of not liking your self, but due to lack of motivation and shear laziness, fail to do anything about it.

I have 60lbs to drop. I know it will not only be the pounds I am losing, but i will be shedding, years of hurt, pain, frustration...the old me, and helping to bring forth the new me.

I am excited to really truly start this journey. I can use all the help, support, and encouragement I can get!!


  • ckennedycsk
    Good Luck!
  • mseab71
    mseab71 Posts: 69 Member
    Good Luck on your journey! Please know you are not alone on your journey to a better you!! I will send a friend request and you can add me if you like! Good Luck!!

  • DarkDiva2005
    DarkDiva2005 Posts: 140
    Good luck to you! We are here to help and support you, feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Titch0808
    Titch0808 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey... I just joined today after a talking to my my friend who has lost 50lbs herself.. its doable and she looks amazing...

    i have also tried so many times and give up after a week and make excuses about the gym!

    add me as a friend and we can support each other!
  • sweetpickle84
    sweetpickle84 Posts: 46 Member
    Good Luck! I will send a friend request and feel free to add me. You can never have enough support when it comes to losing wt! We are all here for you!
  • graymojo
    graymojo Posts: 8
    Just remember than any life changing thing (weight loss, quitting something, starting something) requires dedication and patience. Good luck!
  • amazing_grace♥
    Feel free to add me too. This is so much easier when we have a network of supportive friends. I LOVE this site! Good luck on your journey - YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • elifefull
    elifefull Posts: 46
    Well welcome to the journey!!!!!!!!!! Everyone has a journey and we are all here to support and encourage each other to meet their goals. You can do this..........whatever you believe you can achieve. Be sure to add me as a friend.