Losing 25 lbs by May.. Is it possible??!



  • i'm getting married in may also & want to lose about 25-30lbs (to get back to my healthy weight) after a year of stress/health issues/lack of motivation...please help me stay accountable!!!
  • swbenbow
    swbenbow Posts: 87 Member
    I started 3 weeks ago and have lost 5kgs (I think this is about 11lbs). I still can't believe it - but I have now started swimming once per week and doing half hour power walks at least twice per week during my lunch breaks. Cutting out all the chocolate I used to have was good too.

    I don't think I will continue to loose at this weight - as I get lighter, the number of calories per day I can have goes down, so I expect to start "plateau-ing" at some point.

    Luckily I am in no rush, but I do think 25 lbs by May should be achievable if you maintain a good focus on it.
  • Same here! I want to lose 30 by June, my family and I are moving from FL to NC and we will be closer to family & friends, I haven't lived close to home since before I had my daughter and I need this weight GONE! Haha
  • mhausler93
    mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm getting married in August, and want to lose 40 by then. Feel free to add me!
  • Alairissa
    Alairissa Posts: 160 Member
    I am trying to lose approx 20 lbs as well by then. Feel free to add me as well!
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    I've lost 14 since October using MFP. I have another 15 to go before summer/ swim season hits. I lose even when eating at 1700 cals per day, so you won't see any starvation going on in my neck of the woods.
  • Mrs_Mac27
    Mrs_Mac27 Posts: 5 Member
    Def possible! I lost 25 in 2 months ... hard work & complete dedication. It helps to have a good support group! I want to lose 30 lbs by June so kind of so similar ... I'll add you! You got this! :)
  • torenees
    torenees Posts: 20 Member
    I just had a heart cath with a stent placement and I'm only 44. my next follow up visit to Dr is July . Not as exciting as a wedding ( congratulations to all of you by the way and best of luck) but very important to me that I lose the weight before then. I want to lose 23 lbs. I want to get back to what I weighed on my wedding day , which was only a year and 5 months ago. I would love to join you all with encouragement, support, and motivation. please add me....thanks and I'm excited. yay :D
  • merlewalton
    merlewalton Posts: 43 Member
    2 lbs a week is considered, generally, as the max healthy level of weight loss. However in the process of cutting out crap food, soda, etc you could lose 7-10 lbs in the first week depending on how your diet was before you started eating healthy. It's completely possible by eating well and exercising (even just walking for 30-60 minutes a day) you could lose that much.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I need to lose about 20lbs or so for August for my wedding :)
  • conangt87
    conangt87 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm going to say its possible but not likely to be done by May. That is over 2 lbs a week for a sustained 3 months. A very realistic and obtainable goal would be 15-20 pounds by may. You probably need at least another month to realistically obtain your goal.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    It can be done if you are motivated enough, willing to put in the work and serious about your eating habits. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure. It will be more difficult (in general) for a female due to lower lean muscle mass but you can do it. My concern is that this journey is more like a vacation than a lifelong goal. It troubles me when people say they want to lose a certain weight by a certain time because what are you going to do the rest of your life? Set a realistic goal, work towards that and then set another or maintain. Don't do it because you have a specific event you want to prep for.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    agh846 wrote: »
    I'm limiting to very low calorie intake and hitting the gym for cardio 6-7 times a week and doing Jillian Michaels 1-4 times a week. Lots of time and energy but hopefully it'll be worth it!

    Eating really low calorie and doing a ton of cardio sounds good in theory but it's usually not the best approach. I'm going to recommend the important posts to read thread. Do you know your TDEE? Look it up. Set more realistic calorie goals. I think 1000 is way too low, but I'm glad to see you're eating your exercise calories back. Start a lifting program. It will be a better use of your time than all that cardio.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    That is a lot of cardio. I'm wondering if you'll get burn out before you get to May. You aren't giving your body any time to recover. Muscles can't keep putting out forever and you will reach failure at some point or face some kind of overuse injury. Add in a weight routine, a circuit program would be just fine and cut out one or two of your cardio days for rest and recovery. A lot of people that just do cardio without any resistance training just end up skinny fat, a lot less fat and a lot less muscle so no definition or shape.
  • agh846
    agh846 Posts: 14
    I have been doing weights and some body weight exercises, just don't log them because I'm lazy, haha. But these are good tips and thoughts to keep in mind!