Back at it. 30+ lbs to lose

luly727 Posts: 202 Member
Hi I am not new to MFP but am back again after losing 50+ lbs 2 years ago and now gained it back. I am 56 yrs old, and am an emotional eater, once I start, I can not stop at 1 cookie or whatever. I have back issues recently diagnosed so doing heavy work outs is not possible. I need support ( i do not get any from husband) He never noticed when I lost weight before, and he can eat everything and anything and not gain weight UGH.
+Right now I am watching what I eat, avoiding fast food places and eating more veggies. I need friends that are in similar situation. I know 30 lbs doesnt seem like a problem but I look like a stuffed burrito as I carry alot of fat/ excess skin in my belly section :( I am 5'3 and started again at 170 lbs.
So far I am down 8 lbs but seems sooooo slow compared to what I am eating daily. I know ppl will say you need to eat more, but for me if I eat 1200 cals i do not lose since I can not exercise and no walking now with the snow and ice
Thanks :)


  • jeanneofmalta
    jeanneofmalta Posts: 7 Member
    Hello. I,m 69 and trying again. I have been on every diet imaginable, and lost, but gained it back. I fall off when I quit writing everything down. I really want to win this battle and stay healthy for my grandkids. Good luck with your program.
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you Jeanne..its day at a time
  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been on here for a few years and have reached my goals despite a couple knee injuries. I'm sure I could help you!! :)
  • luly727 wrote: »
    Hi I am not new to MFP but am back again after losing 50+ lbs 2 years ago and now gained it back. I am 56 yrs old, and am an emotional eater, once I start, I can not stop at 1 cookie or whatever. I have back issues recently diagnosed so doing heavy work outs is not possible. I need support ( i do not get any from husband) He never noticed when I lost weight before, and he can eat everything and anything and not gain weight UGH.
    +Right now I am watching what I eat, avoiding fast food places and eating more veggies. I need friends that are in similar situation. I know 30 lbs doesnt seem like a problem but I look like a stuffed burrito as I carry alot of fat/ excess skin in my belly section :( I am 5'3 and started again at 170 lbs.
    So far I am down 8 lbs but seems sooooo slow compared to what I am eating daily. I know ppl will say you need to eat more, but for me if I eat 1200 cals i do not lose since I can not exercise and no walking now with the snow and ice
    Thanks :)

    Luly, you and I are on the same journey (again) and we are also the same age. In addition, I have the same issue with my husband, too. So, I totally related to your post here. The good thing is... we are back on this journey, even after falling a a few times. But being back is better than not, which is a start. <3

  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks :)