I am back!

Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
Hi - I thought I'd put this here. well after being on MFP for a while, and doing well, I went back to my old habits, plus went thru horrible stress last year, so food was my medication ... then regained all my weight lost again... and now back again here on MFP, I'm going to track like I used to.. what got me going this time was I'm having intolerable very awful back pains from the extra weight and so I'm starting all over again. it is hard at this point! I am fighting a sugar/sweets/pastry and fast food addiction/cravings. but this week I went to the grocery store and all that food was really calling out to me, but I made it thru just buying milk and meat that I came in for. no I'm not depriving myself, just trying to let it go for a few weeks so that the cravings will go and/or be more manageable. so far so good. every day I'm making changes to eating better foods. so that's where I be right now :) I seem to do better without that and yes I'm aware of IIFYM. :)


  • missmeakin123
    I'm right there with you!! I got down to my primary target and then got really sick and gained it all back and more!!! You're like me, we know we can do it we've just got to commit!! Good luck!!
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    thank you kindly! we can only go forward, the past is gone :)